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Roby edited this page Jun 2, 2016 · 5 revisions

here you can find some help about some of the app features.


Map Layers

Find a place

The search engine is powered by Nominatim the same engine use by Open Street Map. It should accept many kind of requests.

  • address
  • latitude, longitude
  • Burger King, Paris

It's always a good idea to be as specific as possible. The results are limited to 5 answers, most of the time close to your map view.

It is not possible to have the benefit of the auto completion with the API provided by OSM Nomitim. If needed Nominatim is an Open Source project and can be installed on a personal server.

If you search was clear enough for Nominatim to find the place it will drop a marker on the map, the same thing will happened if you pick one of the five selected answers. The Popup should display the address requested with some extend informations. To remove the marker from the map "double click" on that one.

Edit with iD?

This link appear inside the popup of the marker. when clicked, it will send you on the OpenStreetMap on edition "mod" where your marker was dropped. You may need to login to be able to enter, it's free and you can help to improve the OSM project.

Find your way

The search engine is powered by Nominatim the same engine use by Open Street Map. It should accept many kind of requests.

  • address
  • latitude, longitude
  • Burger King, Paris

It's always a good idea to be as specific as possible. The results are limited to 5 answers, most of the time close to your map view.

It is not possible to have the benefit of the auto completion with the API provided by OSM Nomitim. If needed Nominatim is an Open Source project and can be installed on a personal server.

Once the first slug "start" filled up, a draggable marker will be dropped on map. It mean that at anytime you can interact with your requests and update it on map. If you drag the marker to a place witch is unknown by Nominatim it will display the latitude, longitude (N45.3367, E5.4492) N for North and E for East.

Once the second slug "end" filled up, a second marker should be dropped on map, it could take some times to compute the whole way by road, when it's done a red line should appear and the map should fit in the start to end points. This feature work better if you start from a lower zoom level (country scale for city to city path).

Easy data mining on OpenStreetMap

This search is design to aggregate some Point Of Interest or node (witch are different from way) inside the map view (bbox or (SouthWest [lat,lng], NorthEast [lat,lng]). For better knowledge in query construction you can check the documentation of Overpass API.

Here are some basic examples:

[amenity=fast_food][name="Big Fernand"]

To submit your query you have to click on the OK button.
To remove all your different query results, click on the recycling icon on the right side of the search input.

To gather some more informations about the node, open the popup of the marker by clicking on it.
first it will display the name of the POI if it have one. the second line display some informations about how Open Street Map define it (the OSM ID of the POI).
The next lines are some extend informations as:

more info, will open a new tab with the most relevant informations about this POI.
note that sometimes it may display a bunch of POI info resulting from the very close proximity from each other.

Edit with iD, will open in a new tab with the Open Street Map Editor. There, you will be able to update the POI informations.
note that if you don't find the POI for any reasons, it should be straight on the center of the map.

Drop the marker to query some POI around a 25 meters radius.
With this little tool you will query all kinds of nodes at once and check on how OSM define them or what OSM actually know about this point on the map.
By dragging the marker to a new place it will send an other query and display more POI.
the Popup informations display the same options as above (name, ID, more info and edit with osm iD).
To remove all the mini markers, double click on the big red marker dragged.


Query can be long and depend much on the level of zoom you are sending your request. If you send a query to find some trees [natural=tree] inside a country scale it may crash and your query will mostly be dropped. try to be more specific or with a better focus on the area where you want to display you POI.

to know the very state of you query open the console of you browser (ex: CRTL + SHIFT + K for Firefox) and read the colored informations about the query.

sometimes Overpass cannot define the NorthEast latitude and longitude, it happen often next to the sea or next to a not well known area. Move the map or zoom out/in and send an other query. In any case F5 or refresh the whole page can save some times

double click on the marker didn't remove all your past query's requests. sometimes it can be "glitchy" and the double click was miss understood with a drag action. In that case drop a new marker move it and then do a clean double click on that one to remove everything. you can also try to refresh the whole page, it should do the job in most case scenarios.


Web map, which uses "tiles" will be in Spherical Mercator (EPSG 3857 or srid: 900913). The actual coordinates used are in latitude, longitude (EPSG: 4326). The API automatically transforms it to the appropriate Web Mercator coordinates.

Web map tiles images (mostly .png) are served through a REST API, with a URL like http://S.server/Z/X/Y.png, where S sometimes refer as the 'domain', Z is the zoom level, and X for latitude Y for the longitude.
note that Cozy only accept HTTPS tiles provider. choose with care ;)

About Vector Tiles:
Vector tiles are not fully supported right now but it has a lot of benefit, it should include geodata to be render on the fly. Vectors tiles are based on formulas and can be enlarged to infiniti without losing quality.

provider examples:



more open tile provider with preview


note that you need a token (free after registration)
change [your token] by your token
examples: Satelitte Outdoor Streets Light-Dark

Mapbox Satelitte:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=[your token]

Mapbox Outdoor:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=[your token]

Mapbox Streets:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=[your token]

Mapbox light:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=[your token]

Mapbox dark:{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=[your token]

examples with users map design:

https://{z}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=[your token]
https://{z}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=[your token]


Overlay are some database with geo reference to be display on map. about the coordinates example:

when pushing a .GeoJSON (EPSG:4326) data to Leaflet, the API automatically switch data to EPSG:3857.

In fact:
EPSG 4326 uses a coordinate system the same as a globe (curved surface).
EPSG 3857 uses a coordinate system the same as a map (flat surface).

EPSG: 4326 uses a coordinate system on the surface of a sphere or ellipsoid of reference. EPSG: 3857 uses a coordinate system projected from the surface of the sphere or ellipsoid to a flat surface.