Flutter_Ravepay provides a wrapper that incorporate payments using Ravepay within your flutter applications. The integration is achieved using Ravepay's Android/iOS SDK libraries. It currently has full support for only Android. Getting it to work on iOS comes with a few more steps and configurations (soon to come).
flutter_ravepay: "^0.2.0"
import 'package:flutter_ravepay/flutter_ravepay.dart';
Ravepay ravePay = Ravepay.of(context);
RavepayResult result = await ravePay.chargeCard(
const RavepayConfig(
amount: 4500.0,
country: "NG",
currency: "NGN",
email: "[email protected]",
firstname: "Jeremiah",
lastname: "Ogbomo",
narration: "Test Payment",
publicKey: "****",
secretKey: "****",
txRef: "ravePay-1234345",
useAccounts: false,
useCards: true,
isStaging: true,
useSave: true,
metadata: [
const RavepayMeta("email", "[email protected]"),
const RavepayMeta("id", "1994"),
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.
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MIT License