The Project target is to create a solver for the 8Puzzle game using concepts and algorithms learned at Intelligent Systems class
The Objective is to put the numbers in sequence [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,blank] and you can only move the blank square in vertical and horizontal directions.
All the extern Libraries are already in the /libs folder so all you need is a webserver to serve the index.html with the javascript. I personally recommend using VSCode with the LiveServer Extension, it makes life so much easier 👍
or you can access the project through github pages clicking here
Currently it applies two complete algorithm to solve the puzzle
The BFS algorithm uses too much ram and time to solve it, so i don't recommend testing it with a very complex board.
To show the board game on screen i use P5js to draw rectangles and text
There are 2 main classes on the project
- Node - as the name says, it is used to implement free nodes that later are linked to each other and are used to store the state of the board, a "child" is a Node that is derived from the current Node, the child board is the board after 1 movement and its height is parent.height + 1.
- Solver - Uses the Node class to implement the famous A* and BFS algorithms.
A Star is a well known pathfinding algorithm, it's idea is keeping two lists, where the openlist needs to be sorted (or be a heap or priority queue)
the pseudocode is as follows
BFS is also a well known graph transversal algorithm, it's approach is to "visit" each node in a layer before going to the next layer Click here for Pseudocode and visualization of the BFS algorithm
An approach very similar to A*, but it doens't take into acocunt the steps needed to get to this state(i.e its height) so in more complex cases it's very close to BFS performance
A* is a heuristic search, it uses a heuristic value to order the lists of nodes so i had to implement some heuristics to test
- Manhattan Distance(inspired by new york's streets) is the distance from (xi, yi) to (xTarget, yTarget) in a grid-like environment(through the streets)
- Hamming Distance is the difference between the completed board and the current board, a.k.a how many tiles are misplaced
in order of importance :
- Implement some sort of parralellism so the rendering doesn't get stopped because the algorithm takes all the cpu time
- After completing the puzzle, the solution should be displayed step by step.
- Implement a better UI so it's possible to set the board as you like, view all the steps of the solution
- Implement for bigger boards ?
- João Amaro de Assunção Bisneto - Initial Work - joaoaab
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details