Introducing a brand new health/fitness social app! (with a unique name not found in Google's play store or Apple's app store 😉 )
- Perfect for active folks to plan and go on hikes with friends (especially suitable for Vancouver)
- Documents previous hikes in a gallery on the user's sleek profile
- Google Maps API (displays user's current location + nearby hiking trails)
- Provides trail search results using information from the Hikingproject and Mountainproject Data APIs (two online hiking trails databases)
- Azure-based backend to pull data from our database of users to display the location of the user's friends
- Facebook login - import your info from Facebook and connect with your hiker friends
- can be updated to include facebook login/find friends functionalities
- can create a whole suite of apps (e.g. Bykr, Walkr, Joggr) or combine multiple activities in one app