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Releases: jmoenig/Snap


09 Jul 15:19
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minor release

New Features:

  • new libraries for parallelization and JSON support
  • new "loudness" reporter in audio comp library, thanks, Bernat!

Notable Changes:

  • significant speed-up for HTTP based robot APIs such as the Hummingbird kit

Notable Fixes:

  • "When I am stopped" hat block now also works for stacks of HTTP based robot commands
  • resolved name conflicts in pixels and audio comp libraries

Translation Updates:

  • New Basque translation, thanks, Asier Iturralde Sarasola!
  • Portuguese, thanks, Manuel!
  • French, thanks, Nathalie and Joan!
  • Spanish, Catalan and French translations of the tools library, thanks, Nathalie and Joan!


21 Jun 11:40
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not-so-minor release featuring among other things new media and data crunching capabilities.

New Features:

  • "recover project" feature, (cloud backups), thanks, Bernat Romagosa!
  • vector paint editor, thanks, Carles Paredes and Bernat Romagosa!
  • "When I am stopped" event option, runs one atomic frame before terminating, use-case: stop robots when a user hits the stop button
  • experimental JIT compiler for atomic HOFs, used in new "Bigger Data" library
  • new library for programmatically creating variables, thanks, Brian Harvey!
  • added options for sprite attributes to the SET block
  • new "webcam snap" reporter in the "Pixels" library
  • new "record" reporter in the "Audio Comp" library
  • added "name" selector to the "Pixels" library
  • added drop-down menu to "letter _ of _ ", adjusted all translations (thanks, Joan!)

Notable Changes:

  • hidden sprites can no longer be collision detected (but can test for other sprites)
  • new sprites created by pressing the arrow button no point in random directions (unless you hold down the shift-key)
  • new "center" option for location blocks (GO TO, POINT TOWARDS, DISTANCE TO and DIRECTION TO)
  • disabled keyboard shortcuts for green-flag (cmd-enter) and stop (esc) in presentation mode

Notable Fixes:

  • rearranging and scrolling sound icons
  • rendering and layout of variadic C-shaped input slots
  • when collapsing ring-typed multi-arg slots only filled rings are preserved
  • support for numerical custom block input names
  • no more "leftover" clones when pressing the stop button or executing the STOP block

Translation Updates:

  • German, thanks, Jadga!
  • Portuguese, thanks, Manuel!
  • Catalan, thanks, Joan!

19 Mar 07:39
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minor maintenance release:

  • support for multi-word and implicit (empty slot) formal parameters in the experimental JIT compiler
  • removed a redundant STOP block from the stage's palette

14 Mar 07:58
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important maintenance release:

  • significantly speed up list operations by changing the testing order for type inferral
  • remix cloud project method, thanks, Bernat!

13 Mar 06:54
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minor maintenance release:

  • sprites now draw a "dot" pentrail when moving zero steps with the pen down, thanks, Brian, for the idea!
  • pressing "record" while the sound recorder is already recording stops it, thanks, Rui Zhi, for the fix!

09 Mar 12:14
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minor maintenance release,

  • fixes a problem with the tools library
  • fixes a problem when loading examples from the project dialog
  • adds "random" options for "turn towards", "point in direction" and "go to" primitivies

05 Mar 10:00
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minor maintenance release:

  • cloud tweaks, thanks, Bernat and Michael!
  • fixed "join words" in the tools, library, thanks, Brian, for reporting the bug!
  • added new "text to speech" library
  • made sure sound data is always stored in the project (not referenced)
  • added capability to compile input slot options to experimental JIT
  • Spanish and German translation updates fixed "nearest crayon to" reporter in the crayons library

22 Feb 12:24
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minor maintenance release
(fixes the "nearest crayon to" reporter in the crayons library)

20 Feb 16:43
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minor maintenance release


17 Feb 10:06
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minor front-end release named "Barcelona" honoring Bernat's major work on the new cloud back-end architecture.

Notable Changes

  • new cloud backend

New Features:

  • experimental JIT compiler (in progress)

Translation Updates:

  • new Catalan-Valencia translation
  • Catalan
  • German