The BTSync
class is a light wrapper around the Bittorrent Sync API.
For now, this code assumes a btsync instance is running with a working API key.
(See the Notes section for more info on how to get this set up.)
Installation under windows: Installation of BTSync under windows is a bit finnicky and without error messages, so this simplifies it.
Install BTSync in a regular directory , not something like "Program files" which needs admin access. Exit from BTSync if it's running Go to the BTSync directory , delete everything except BTSync.exe Edit the api key in windows_config.json Run BTSync.exe /config path_to_windows_config_json If all goes well BTSync will launch.
After cloning pyhon-btsync: Set line 10 in python-btsync./ with the executable directory
If you want to change admin/password/port , you'll have to repeat this process after changing admin/password/port both in windows_config.json and in python_btsync/
$ git clone
$ cd python-btsync
$ python install
You will also need a recent version of the [Bittorrent Sync Application][0] [0]:
>>> # this code assumes a btsync instance is running
>>> from btsync import BTSync
>>> btsync = BTSync()
>>> btsync.get_folders()
[{u'dir': u'/Users/jack/sync/notes',
u'error': 0,
u'files': 13,
u'indexing': 0,
u'secret': u'NOPE',
u'size': 70867,
u'type': u'read_write'}]
At this time, not all API calls are implemented. However, you can still
make any API call manually using the request()
method like so:
btsync.request({'method': 'get_folder_peers', 'secret': '<yoursecret>'})
- Get folders
- Add folder
- Remove folder
- Get files
- Set file preferences
- Get folder peers
- Get secrets
- Get folder preferences
- Set folder preferences
- Get folder hosts
- Set folder hosts
- Get preferences
- Set preferences
- Get OS name
- Get version
- Get speed
- Shutdown
To use the API you will need to apply for a key. You can find out how to do that, and learn more about the btsync API here:
Once you receive your key, you need to enter it into the config file.
See config.json
for a sample config file.
Then quit BTSync if it is running, and start it from the command line with the --config flag:
$ /Applications/BitTorrent\\ Sync --config path/to/config.json