This is the pyGemPick web application built on top of Flask python framework. Here users can download the whole flask web-application or visit the live beta version of the website and process TEM immunogold electron microscopy images quickly, accurately, and free of charge! Have fun detecting those gold particles!!
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install redis
####Option A: Launch Redis on Computer Startup
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
redis-cli ping
Response == 'PONG'. (Now Web-app Background Tasks can run!)
- Open a separate terminal in the pypick environment. (run source activate pypick)
- Then run...
rq worker pypick-tasks
- Install Anaconda using this tutorial
- Recreate the environment to run pygempick on Mac/Linux in terminal...
- To use new environment run source activate pypick command in mac/linux terminal.
conda env create -n pypick -f pypick_env.yml
source activate pypick
- Setup database using flask db init command in terminal.
- Use flask db migrate command in terminal to update database tables.
- To push the migration to the live app run flask db upgrade.
Note: Run 2 & 3 every time is modified If this is not done and you accidentally delete a previous migration WITHOUT downgrading, you will have to also delete the logs with it in order to migrate successfully again.
Database errors occur as a result of an error when writing or establishing a db connection. This is frequently caused by the most recent database change. To change downgrade database to previous saved version.
#####In Terminal Run...
flask db downgrade
Note: Before you run another migration, Old Migration MUST be deleted first. You can do this easily in terminal by running... (The file can be found in the migrations folder in the project's base_dir)
rm -r
To test the accuracy of our web-software, we have manually counted immunogold particles across TEM images of suspended AL aggregates. Here's a more detailed description of amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis.
[AL] M | Total TEM Images Processed | Manual Counts | Particles Detected | FP | FN | Accuracy |
3.7x10-6 | 100 | TBD | 4894 | TBD | ||
3.7x10-8 | 102 | TBD | TBD | TBD | ||
3.7x10-10 | 100 | TBD | TBD | TBD | ||
3.7x10-12 | 100 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
- Original dimensions of the processed .tif images were (x,y ) = (2444,3744). This was reduced to (664, 1018) during picking
- The web app was made to be a semi-automatic open-source dot counting platform. To validate the quality of picking & processing, external unrelated dataset of graphs were used.