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Jim Nelson edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Separated by the same language: Make multiple verbs mean the same thing


Sometimes it's useful for several verbs to mean the same action when applied to an object.

Here, the usual IF meaning of "take" (as in TAKE LAMP) is repurposed for a more mundane task:


You see a shower stall here.

>enter stall 
You feel refreshed.

>take shower
You feel refreshed.


Use asDobjfor() to create a verb synonym:

Shower: Booth 'a shower stall' 'shower stall' @kitchen
  "A shower stall.  "
  // entering the shower uses it
  dobjFor(Enter) {
    verify() {}
    action() {
      "You feel refreshed.  ";
  // TAKE SHOWER is not what it usually means in IF
  dobjFor(Take) asDobjFor(Enter)


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