Python tkinter program implementing fastapi and routing to push information about a system's CPU, disk, and memory usage.
* Contains the drive path for macOS to the disk.
* Put into a separate file so that it can be changed for the respective OS
* Contains the methods that attain the percent usage values of the CPU, disk, and memory.
* Methods are contained in a class called Retrieval
* Uses the library psutil and its integrated methods.
* Reads the data from tools_config and parses for just the drive path.
* Imports the class Retrieval from
* Imports the module fastapi for the use of fastAPI and APIRouter.
* Instantiates an objecty app from fastapi.
* Contains decorated methods from Retrieval such that they route information to localhost:8000
* Contains the methods to GET the data from routing.
* Contains the main function that contains the tkinter GUI.