This is a shell script that will clone multiple repositories. The intended usage is for GitHub Classroom to be able to clone all repos of a certain assignment. The script will create a folder based on the identifier(assignment name) then make folders for each repo then clone. Uses GitHub api v3, curl 7.49.1 and grep 2.5.1
This script takes 4 arguments in order to clone repos based on organization(github classroom), a unique identifier(assignment), username, and protocol.
This script will make a new folder based on the unique identifier, then clone each to their own subfolder.
If you would like to have osx remember your credentials to use https:
If you would like to setup an ssh key:
If you are running windows, here is a stack post that may help with ssh:
Adds all files, commits, then pushes all changes.
Takes 1 argument, the unique identifier(folder containing repos)
Used the commit message "Graded", but can be changed.
This script runs with three arguments as defaults, Organization, username, and protocol
The script takes one argument, the unique identifier.