Corresponding Author: Jerry Song; [email protected]
This simplified Energy System Optimization model utilizes Excel Solver. It is tailored to the circumstances in Brazil and is designed to enhance their electricity supply system with various energy sources. The data utilized in this model is sourced from the CCG project.
For citation:
r denotes the discount rate; y denotes the year; The objective function is to minimize the total discounted cost for each year.
- Investment Cost
$$ Investment Cost= \sum_t Cap^{new}{t}×Cost^{inv}{t} $$
Capnew denotes the new capacity built in year y;Costinv denotes the investment cost per unit capacity;The investment cost is sum of investment for new capacity among all technologies.
- O&M Cost
$$ O&M cost= \sum_t Capt^{opr}{t}×Cost{t}^{O&M} $$
Capopr denotes the operating capacity in year y; CostO&M denotes the O&M cost per unit capacity; The investment cost is sum of O&M cost for operating capacity among all technologies.
Capopr denotes the operating capacity in year y; Capnew denotes the new capacity built in year y; Capret denotes the retired capacity in year y; The operating capacity in year y is the sum of operating capacity in year y-1 and new built capacity this year and minus the retired capacity this year.
- Fuel Cost
Capopr denotes the operating capacity in year y; Costfuel denotes the fuel cost per unit capacity; The investment cost is sum of fuel cost for operating capacity among all technologies that use fuel.
- Demand Constrains
Capopr denotes the operating capacity in year y; Efyt denotes the efficiency of a given technology; CFt denotes the Capacity Factor of a given technology, which means their availability throughout a year; The maximum possible supply is the product of the operating capacity, the efficiency, and the capacity factor. The total energy supply is the sum of maximum possible supply from all operating capacity among technologies. And it should be larger than the energy demand set exogenous.
- Emission Constrains
Capopr denotes the operating capacity in year y; EFt denotes the emission intensity per unit capacity; The total emission is the sum of emission from operating capacity among all technologies. And it should be lower than the emission limit set exogenous.
- Capacity Growth Constrains
Capopr(y=0) denotes the operating capacity in the beginning year ; CGCt denotes the capacity growth constrains factor for a given technology; The capacity growth constrains is the product of initial operating capacity and the growth rate with power of a given year. The the growth rate, which is CGCt, should be set exogenously. And the capacity growth constrains should be larger than the operating capacity in year y.