Simple code checking metatool.
codequality is glue around multiple external code checking tools. Its goal is easy integration with editing environments and version control (scm) tools.
PYTHON=$(which python); sudo $PYTHON install
Then, run:
codequality --list-checkers
to see what checkers are available and installed on your machine. For now, codequality only knows about a few checkers, and it will use any that are available.
See codequality --help
Some examples:
codequality bar.js
codequality --ignore "*junk/*"
codequality --scm git
codequality --scm git --rev HEAD~3
All output follows a simple parseable format:
filename:linenumber:columnnumber: message
where the column number is optional (some external tools don't provide it).
:setlocal makeprg=codequality\ %
see vim's :help make
for details about how this works.
Put the following in your .git/hooks/post-commit
codequality --scm git -r HEAD
and make sure to chmod +x
the post-commit hook file. You will
then have a codequality report after each local commit.