Demonstrates how ethereum contracts can be used to create and manage crowd funding campaigns
Make sure you are using the latest version of node. This program is compiled, built and tested using node version 9.4.
Change your node version to 9 by typing script node use 9
Type script node --version
to make sure you are using the right version.
Start by cloning this diectory in your workspace. Go to the directory and type, npm install --save ganache-cli mocha solc fs-extra [email protected]
Make sure you compile the ehtereum contract by typing
node compile.js
Ethereum makes it very easy to run the test. ganache-clie library makes it easy to simulate the rinkby test network with in you program before running. The project file contains 6 test cases that make sure that contract is valid for some basic funtions like, creating contract, sending contribution, request for the spend, approving spend request and finalizing the request. Run all the test my typing following.
npm run test
To deploy a contract you need to install truffle-hdwallet-provider.
npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider
Deploying contract in to Rinkby Network
node deploy.js
Note the address where contract is deployed. The 'ADDRESS' file in this project represents the address where contract is deployed.
Please modify factory.js file with the new deployed contract. Replace the second argument in the contract method (that says '0x6860d7d0c295983eE847D5c362A9917671EAA9d1' below) with the new contract address printed out as part of previous node deploy.js
const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(
npm run dev
- The UI should start at localhost:3000