Networkscan is a couple of python scripts to scan your local network and gather information about the devices on your network. It will graph ping times for devices, scan for a few common open ports and look up vendor ids from MAC addresses.
I use it on a Raspberry Pi.
Set up a webserver on your raspberry pi and create a folder in the web root folder called "networkscan". On the Raspberry Pi it will be '/var/www/html/networkscan/'
Put all the files from this repository in there.
Then edit if you're running on a Raspberry Pi and using the default folder above, you don't need to change any of the paths. The main thing you'll need to change in here is ip_range. Thats usually the first 3 digits of your ip address.
Then give the scripts execute permissions with
chmod +x
chmod +x
Then run if if it runs successfully, you should see index.html and a bunch of html files in the hosts folder.
Then you can set the script to run automatically.
Edit your crontab with
sudo crontab -e
Add the following line.
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /var/www/html/networkscan/ >/tmp/networkscan.log 2>&1
That tells your Raspberry Pi to run the script every 5 minutes.
If everything is working as it should be you should be able to go to http://[your raspberry pi's ip or hostname]/networkscan and see a bunch of hosts with graphs.
I hope this is useful to you.