First app is an extended version of the Euclidean example in the Polyend Preset Sandbox at
- Implements 3-track Euclidean sequencer.
- Input receives clock signal.
- Outputs 1, 4, 7 send trigger signals.
- Encoders modify 3 parameters of each track (each row for the output on left): sequence length, number of events, offset
- Pads visualize sequences as they are played, switching pages for sequences longer than 8.
- Button Rec pauses/resumes playback.
- Button Clear resets playback in all channels (jump to step 0).
- Expanded to 9 tracks over 3 banks
- Pad rows 1-3 reset just that generator to the selected step
- Bottom row pads 1-3 select and indicate current bank (Bank button also cycles thru)
- Outputs: Bank 1=1,4,7 Bank 2=2,5,8 Bank 3=3,6,9