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Releases: iwillwen/mindb

v0.2.0 Rewrite with TypeScript!

02 Dec 12:45
Choose a tag to compare

v0.1.0 Welcome to ES2015!

13 Jul 03:21
Choose a tag to compare

We ported all the code into ES2015, which make the code more harmony and friendly.

Release v0.0.4

22 Feb 00:07
Choose a tag to compare

Divisible functions.

Release 0.0.3

12 Dec 05:10
Choose a tag to compare

Update Sorted Set and Hash

new functions

  1. min.zrevrange
  2. min.zincr
  3. min.zincrby
  4. min.zrank
  5. min.zrevrank
  6. min.decr
  7. min.decrby
  8. min.hincr
  9. min.hincrby
  10. min.hincrbyfloat
  11. min.hdecr
  12. min.hdecrby