Livescore app with Football Data api (work in progress)
- FastAdapter an adapter library for implementing recycler view
- Retrofit2 type-safe HTTP client for Android
- RxJava2 & RxAndroid for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences
- Room Persistence create a cache of app's data on a android device
- Glide image loading and caching library for Android
- AndroidSvg svg rendering library for Android
- Butterknife bind Android views
- ThreeTenAPB
- Architecture pattern (MVVM/MVP)
- Dependency Injection (Dagger/Koin)
- Jetpack Components (Navigation, Paging, Slices, WorkManager, etc)
- View Binding
If you want to contribute in this repository feel free to fork the repo and hopefully we can learn from each other. your help is very welcome.