#Java Medical Records CorDapp
Welcome to the Java Medical Records CorDapp. The CorDapp has 3 nodes, which represent hospitals CharitéHospital (Berlin), StMarysHospital (London) and Bolnitsa (Moscow). Each hospital can save medical data on their vault and distribute to a particular hospital upon its request. But contact rejects request to share medical records for hospitals that locate in certain countries This CorDapp utilises CordaServices to store vaultQueries.
See https://docs.corda.net/getting-set-up.html.
Open a terminal and go to the project root directory and type: (to deploy the nodes using bootstrapper)
./gradlew clean deployNodes
Then type: (to run the nodes)
We will interact with this CorDapp via the nodes' CRaSH shells.
First, go the shell of CharitéHospital, and create a medical record for a Patient X with dataRecord value of 10:
flow start FillMedicalRecords patientName: A, patientData: YYY
We can now look at the medical record in the CharitéHospital's vault:
run vaultQuery contractStateType: net.corda.core.contracts.ContractState
If StMarysHospital wants to request medical records of the patient's A, he needs to request data from the shell of StMarysHospital by running:
flow start RequestPatientRecords from: "CharitéHospital", patientName: A