CTIO External Package
compression - Image compression package
fabry - Fabry-Perot package
apropos - Print help information about a subject
bin2iraf - Convert binary files into IRAF images
bitstat - Make bit statistics of image frames
chpixfile - Change pixel file name in image headers
colselect - Select column ranges
compairmass - Compute airmass
coords - Compute celestial coordinates
cureval - Evaluate the fit computed by CURFIT
dfits - Diplay FITS file headers
eqwidths - Compute equivalent widths
fft1d - One dimensional FFT
filecalc - File calculator
findfiles - Find files recusively through directories
fitrad - Fit a function to circular image subrasters
fixtail - Fix last image lines or columns
focus - Compute telescope focus
growthcurve - Correct magnitudes using the growth curve for them
gki2cad - Convert GKI metacode files into autoCAD DXF files
helio - Compute heliocentric Julian date
imcreate - Create an image
imextract - Extract a list of image sections from an image
immatch - Match one or two dimensional images
imsort - Sort images by header parameter values
imspace - Determine disk space used by IRAF images
imtest - Image headers and pixel files test
iraf2bin - Convert IRAF images into binary files
irlincor - Correct IR imager frames for non-linearity
lambda - List wavlength and pixel values
magavg - Average output from MAGBAND for a single object
magband - Compute the average magnitude for a list of bandpasses
mapkeyword - Replace image header keyword values with other values
midut - Compute UT at midpoint of observation
mjoin - Join lines in text files by matching them
mkapropos - Make apropos database
pixselect - List pixel values within a certain range
rvxcor - Compute radial velocities via cross correlation
spcombine - Intercative combine task
sphot - Star photometry
statspec - Compute statistical error from object and sky spectra
wairmass - Compute weighted airmass
manuals - CTIO manuals