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Merge pull request #123 from ipqa-research/dev
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No fitting in Fortran API, improved saturation solvers
  • Loading branch information
fedebenelli authored Nov 24, 2024
2 parents 2e87d60 + ba74458 commit 51632cb
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Showing 43 changed files with 8,178 additions and 2,295 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/docs.yml
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sudo apt install -y gfortran-${GCC_V} python3-dev graphviz pandoc
sudo pip install ford markdown
pip install -r python/docs/requirements.txt
pip install -r python/requirements-build.txt
pip install python/
- name: Build Developer Documentation
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135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions app/critical.f90
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program main
!! Test the calculation of critical lines
use yaeos
use yaeos__math, only: solve_system
use yaeos__equilibria_critical, only: &
lambda1, F_critical, df_critical, CriticalLine, critical_line, critical_point
implicit none

integer, parameter :: nc=12

type(CubicEoS) :: model
type(EquilibriumState) :: sat, crit
type(PTEnvel2) :: env
type(CriticalLine) :: cl

real(pr) :: V, T, P, a

real(pr) :: z(nc)
real(pr) :: z0(nc)
real(pr) :: zi(nc)

real(pr) :: u(nc)
integer :: ns
real(pr) :: S

real(pr) :: F(3), X(3)
integer :: i, j

model = get_model()

a = real(1, pr)/100._pr
print *, "1stCL"
cl = critical_line(model, a, z0, zi, 0.1_pr)
do i=1, size(cl%a)
write(2, *) cl%a(i), cl%V(i), cl%T(i), cl%P(i)
end do
write (2, *)
write (2, *)

print *, "2ndCL"
a = 0.001
cl = critical_line(model, a0=a, z0=zi, zi=z0, dS0=0.01_pr)
do i=1, size(cl%a)
write(2, *) 1-cl%a(i), cl%V(i), cl%T(i), cl%P(i)
end do

z = a*zi + (1-a)*z0
T = sum(model%components%Tc * z)
P = sum(model%components%Pc * z)
call model%volume(n=z, P=P, T=T, V=V, root_type="stable")
X = [a, log(V), log(T)]
ns = 1
S = X(ns)

a = 0.9
z = a*zi + (1-a)*z0

sat = saturation_temperature(model, z, P=0.01_pr, kind="dew")
env = pt_envelope_2ph(model, z, sat)
write(20, *) env
write(21, *) env

open(unit=4, file="pt")
open(unit=60, file="pt_cp")
open(unit=61, file="pt_hpl")

! !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j, a, z, sat, env, i) shared(model, z0, zi)
do j=9999999, 999999999, 1000000
print *, j
a = real(j, pr)/1000000000
z = a*zi + (1-a)*z0
sat = saturation_temperature(model, z, P=0.01_pr, kind="dew")
env = pt_envelope_2ph(model, z, sat)

do i=1,size(env%points)
write(4, *) a, env%points(i)%T, env%points(i)%P
end do
write(4, *)
write(4, *)

write(60, *) a, env%cps

env = find_hpl(model, z, t0=500._pr, P0=1000._pr)
do i=1,size(env%points)
write(61, *) a, env%points(i)%T, env%points(i)%P
end do
write(61, *)
write(61, *)
end do

type(CubicEoS) function get_model()
real(pr) :: tc(nc), pc(nc), w(nc), kij(nc,nc)
! zi=[0.1775,0.3878,0.188,0.2196,0.0271,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]
! zi=[0.,-0.1,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]

pc=[73.7343491450634,45.9196083838941,48.7516547159404,42.3795504688362, &
w= [0.228,0.008,0.098,0.152,0.193,0.251,0.296,0.454,0.787,1.048,1.276,1.299]
kij = 0
kij(1, 2) = 0.12
kij(1, 3:) = 0.15
kij(:, 1) = kij(1, :)

get_model = PengRobinson78(tc, pc, w, kij=kij)
end function get_model
! type(CubicEoS) function get_model()
! use yaeos__models, only: SoaveRedlichKwong
! real(pr) :: tc(nc), pc(nc), w(nc), kij(nc,nc)
! ! Tc= [190.564, 304.21, 617.7]
! ! Pc= [45.99, 73.83000000000001, 21.1]
! ! w= [0.0115478, 0.223621, 0.492328]
! z0 = [0.0, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]
! zi = [0.3, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
! Tc= [304.21, 190.564, 425.12, 617.7, 874.0]
! Pc= [73.83000000000001, 45.99, 37.96, 21.1, 6.800000000000001]
! w= [0.223621, 0.0115478, 0.200164, 0.492328, 1.52596]
! kij = 0
! kij(1, :) = 0.12
! kij(:, 1) = 0.12
! get_model = SoaveRedlichKwong(tc, pc, w, kij=kij)
! end function get_model
end program main
108 changes: 0 additions & 108 deletions app/fit.f90

This file was deleted.

144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions app/gpec.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
program gpec
!! Implementation of the Global Phase Equilibrium (GPEC) algorithm
use forsus, only: Substance, forsus_default_dir, forsus_dir
use yaeos
implicit none

integer, parameter :: nc = 2 !! Number of components

type(Substance) :: sus(nc) !! Substances
class(ArModel), allocatable :: model !! Thermodynamic model to use

type(EquilibriumState) :: sat_point !! Saturation point
type(PTEnvel2) :: psats(2) !! Saturation curves
type(CriticalLine) :: cl

real(pr) :: z(nc) !! Molar fractions
real(pr) :: a !! Fraction between component 1 and 2
real(pr), parameter :: z0(nc) = [1, 0] !! Component 1 molar fractions
real(pr), parameter :: zi(nc) = [0, 1] !! Component 2 molar fractions
real(pr) :: P !! Pressure [bar]
real(pr) :: T !! Temperature [K]
real(pr) :: V !! Volume [L/mol]
real(pr) :: S

integer :: diagram_type !! Diagram type

integer :: i

forsus_dir = "build/dependencies/forsus/" // forsus_default_dir

! ===========================================================================
! Set up the model
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! model = get_model_nrtl_mhv()
sus(1) = Substance("methane")
sus(2) = Substance("n-butane")
model = PengRobinson76(&
Tc=sus%critical%critical_temperature%value, &
Pc=sus%critical%critical_pressure%value/1e5, &
w=sus%critical%acentric_factor%value &

! ===========================================================================
! Calculate both saturation curves
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
print *, model%components%Tc
print *, model%components%Pc
do i=0,1
sat_point = critical_point(model, z0, zi, S=S, spec=CPSpec%a, max_iters=1000, a0=S)

print *, sat_point%iters, sat_point
psats(i+1) = pt_envelope_2ph(model, z, sat_point, delta_0=-0.1_pr)
end do
call exit

print *, "Psat 1"
do i=1,size(psats(1)%points)
print *, psats(1)%points(i)%T, psats(1)%points(i)%P
end do

print *, ""
print *, ""

print *, "Psat 2"
do i=1,size(psats(2)%points)
print *, psats(2)%points(i)%T, psats(2)%points(i)%P
end do

! ===========================================================================
! Calculate the first critical line (2 -> 1)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cl = critical_line(model, a0=0.99_pr, z0=z0, zi=zi, dS0=-0.01_pr)
do i=1,size(cl%a)
write(1, *) cl%a(i), cl%T(i), cl%P(i), cl%V(i)
end do

call exit

! cl = critical_line(model, a0=0.001_pr, z0=z0, zi=zi, dS0=0.001_pr)
! do i=1,size(cl%a)
! write(2, *) cl%a(i), cl%T(i), cl%P(i), cl%V(i)
! end do

call plot_pts([(real(i,pr)/100, i=1,99,10)])

if (cl%a(size(cl%a)) < 1e-3) then
type_1_or_2 : block
! Search for LLV
diagram_type = 1
diagram_type = 2
end block type_1_or_2

end if


type(CubicEoS) function get_model_nrtl_mhv() result(model)
type(MHV) :: mr
type(NRTL) :: ge
real(pr) :: a(nc,nc), b(nc,nc), c(nc,nc)
real(pr) :: tc(nc), pc(nc), w(nc)

a=0; b=0; c=0

tc = [304.21_pr, 727.0_pr]
pc = [73.83_pr, 25.6_pr]
w = [0.223621_pr, 0.427556_pr]

a(1, 2) = -2.8089495558489754
a(2, 1) = -1.8212821725264361
b(1, 2) = 1230.0987703604858
b(2, 1) = 313.79150482742654
c(1, 2) = 0.49412348866462708
c(2, 1) = 0.49412348866462708

model = PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w)
ge = NRTL(a, b, c)
mr = MHV(ge=ge, b=model%b, q=-0.53_pr)
model%mixrule = mr
end function get_model_nrtl_mhv

subroutine plot_pts(zs)
real(pr), intent(in) :: zs(:)
type(EquilibriumState) :: sat
type(PTEnvel2) :: env
integer :: i
real(pr) :: z(nc)

do i=1,size(zs)
z = z0*zs(i) + zi*(1-zs(i))
sat = saturation_pressure(model, z, T=200._pr, kind="bubble")
env = pt_envelope_2ph(model, z, sat)
write(i+10, *) env

sat = saturation_temperature(model, z, P=0.01_pr, kind="dew")
env = pt_envelope_2ph(model, z, sat)
write(i+10, *) env
end do
end subroutine
end program gpec

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