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🍪 System GDPR cookie for website. A11y

Informs the visitor on the services used in your website and gives the possibility of disabling services

ℹ️ On the first visit, the banner is show. If the visitor click a link or a button in page, the cookies are accepted by default.

Use the files in dist directory for include on your site

gdpr-cookies.css 7ko (~2ko gzip)

gdpr-cookies.js 69ko (~19ko gzip)

Add script in page

<script src="path/gdpr-cookies.js" async></script>

Add style in page

<link href="path/gdpr-cookies.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Init Gdpr Cookie

Set this code in the head of your page

<script>var _gdpr = _gdpr || [];</script>

Add your script service (see example google tag bellow )


And use global function for init GdprCookie (footer)

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {

For npm user

install package

npm install gdpr-cookies

import in your javascript file

import initGdprCookie from 'gdpr-cookies';

And use function for init GdprCookie


import sass files

@import 'path-to-your-node_modules/gdpr-cookies/dist/gdpr-cookies.css';

Declare external script

Push array in _gdpr array.

    name: '',
    type: '',
    description: ''
  [callback, callback,..]

First element is object:

  • name : string (unique and required)
  • type : string (type of service) required, default: Stats | Ads | Others
  • description : string (text for describe service) optional

Second element is Array of Functions

All the callback function called if service is allowed

You can use argument helpers in function.

  • createScript(src) for create script tag in head
  • createStyle(href) for create style tag in head
  • createIframe('target', {href: '', width: '200px'}); for create iframe tag in target element. Add attribute for iframe with second argument options object. target is used with document.querySelector

Example for google tag

<script type="text/javascript">
    type: 'stats',
    name: 'Google Tag',
    description: 'Service pour statistiques des visites'
      function(helpers) {
        // use helpers
        helpers.createScript('' + keys_api.gtag);

        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        function gtag() {
        gtag('js', new Date());
        gtag('config', '########');

If you want add multiple callback, create var for push callback after.

var myCB = [];
// declare service
    type: 'stats',
    name: 'Google Tag',
    description: 'Service pour statistiques des visites'

// ...
// on the page
<script type="text/javascript">
myCB.push(function(helpers){ return true;});

Options for init Gdpr Cookie


You can define lang with (default is fr):

var _gdpr_lang = 'fr';

options Gdpr Service

var _gdpr_options = {
  name: 'gdpr_cookie', // name of cookie gdpr
  keepCookies: ['TEST'], // cookie not to delete
  types: ['ads', 'stats', 'others'], // type of services
  expires: 395, // cookie duration (in days)
  optout: true, // default undefined. If true, the services is optout.

i18n messages

The message by default exists for fr, en and es. If you want to add or define your messages, you can create a messages in your html, ex :

var _gdpr_messages = {
  fr: {
    banner_title: "Information sur l'utilisation de cookies sur le site",
      "En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de services tiers pouvant installer des cookies",
    banner_ok_bt: 'Ok, tout accepter',
    banner_custom_bt: 'Personnaliser les cookies',
    modal_header_txt: 'Préférence pour tous les services',
    close_modale_label: 'Fermer la fenêtre',
    service_accept: 'Activer',
    service_accept_all: 'Activer tous les services',
    service_bloc_all: 'Bloquer tous les services',
    service_activated: 'Service activé',
    service_blocked: 'Service bloqué',
    modal_valid: 'Appliquer les reglages',
    ads: 'Publicités',
    stats: 'Statistiques',
    others: 'Autres services',
    mask_text_start: 'Le service',
    mask_text_end: 'est désactivé',
    activate: 'activer',
    deactivate: 'désactiver',

Add link for open modal (sorry for the onclick 😅)



<a href="#" onclick="window._gdpr_showModal();return false;">Show modal</a>

Add Mask with buttons for service disabled

Add just class (gdpr-mask) and name of service with data-gdpr. Ex:

  data-gdpr="Google Map"
  style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"

🤓 Dev

The code use :

  • ES2018
  • Webpack
  • Flow
  • Babel

For UI :

  • Preact
  • Redux Zero
  • Sass
  • Jest

Browsers Compatibility

  • Desktop:

    • Chrome 🆗
    • Firefox 🆗
    • Edge 🆗
    • Opera 🆗
    • IE11 🆗
  • Mobile

    • Iphone Safari (ios7 ⛔ , ios8 🆗 , ios9 🆗, ios10 🆗)
    • Iphone Chrome (ios7 ⛔ , ios8 🆗 , ios9 🆗, ios10 🆗)
    • Iphone webview (ios7 ⛔ , ios8 🆗 , ios9 🆗, ios10 🆗)
    • Android Chrome (Android 4.4 🆗, Android 5 🆗)
    • Android UC Browser (Android 4.4 ⛔)

Browsers tested with
