Technical Maintainer: ipa-nhg (Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia, Fraunhofer IPA) - [email protected]
This Ros package holds python interpreters for the ROS models created using the SeRoNet toolchain. These models (.ros and .rossystem extensions) can be used to describe ROS nodes, their interaction and the instantiation at runtime for further information please check the ROS model tutorials.
In addition, the Toolchain offers automatic extractors of the models from the original ROS code, on one hand with static code analyzers (based on HAROS) and on the other hand with introspectors at runtime.
For the static code analysis we made available a web interface able to inspect code hosted on Git and get its model representation as feedback
- clone this repository into the source folder in your workspace, such as:
- Source ROS workspace
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
- Back to the folder "ws", create and active venv
python3 -m venv venv --system-site-packages --symlinks source venv/bin/activate
- Install poetry and install dependencies
pip install poetry poetry install -C src/ros2model/
- compile it as ROS package
python -m colcon build --packages-select ros2model --symlink-install
source install/local_setup.bash
- config python path
in this case we are using python3.10 in venv
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/
Create ros node models from a run-time system:
ros2 model node -o test/nodes # it will save generated file in folder "test/nodes"
You can run the command below to get more usage information.
ros2 model node -h
usage: ros2 model node [-h] [--spin-time SPIN_TIME] [-s] [--no-daemon] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--include_hidden_nodes] [--include_hidden_interfaces] Create .ros2 for each node in a runtime system options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --spin-time SPIN_TIME Spin time in seconds to wait for discovery (only applies when not using an already running daemon) -s, --use-sim-time Enable ROS simulation time --no-daemon Do not spawn nor use an already running daemon -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER The folder for storing the generated models. --include_hidden_nodes Consider hidden nodes. --include_hidden_interfaces Consider hidden topics, services or actions.
Create a ros system model from a run-time system:
ros2 model system -o test/turtlesim # save the system in test folder and named as "turtlesim.rossystem"
You can run the command below to get more usage information.
ros2 model system -h
usage: ros2 model system [-h] [--spin-time SPIN_TIME] [-s] [--no-daemon] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--include_hidden_nodes] [--include_hidden_interfaces] Create .rossystem for a runtime system options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --spin-time SPIN_TIME Spin time in seconds to wait for discovery (only applies when not using an already running daemon) -s, --use-sim-time Enable ROS simulation time --no-daemon Do not spawn nor use an already running daemon -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE The system model file path. --include_hidden_nodes Consider hidden nodes. --include_hidden_interfaces Consider hidden topics, services or actions.