A group project in Android that was developed for a university assignment on the subject of Software Engineering.
- Google sign in and fingerpring authentication.
- Speak with a hypothetical licensed Doctor using a live chat feature.
- In-app and system wide emergency phone alerts on notable events.
- Panic button for emergency calls when something serious happens.
- Driving mode that notifies user of speeding violations and a local violation database with map representation.
- Disability mode that detects when someone falls on the ground but also makes calls and sends sms.
- Software development phases based on RUP with detailed UML diagrams.
- Google Authentication, Firebase
- SQLite, SharedPreferences
- Fingerprint, Location, Acceleration sensors
Group members involved in this project:
Ioannidis Panagiotis, Paravantis Athanasios, Nikas Dionisios