[BREAKING] Renamed toggle
to trigger
in .animate() to better reflect its purpose.
[BREAKING] Renamed AnimatedEffect
to EffectWidget
to better reflect its purpose.
[BREAKING] Renamed EffectAnimationValue
to EffectQuery
to better reflect its purpose.
[BREAKING] Replace value
in EffectQuery
with linearValue
and curvedValue
to allow more refined control over animations.
[BREAKING] Renamed PostFrameWidget
to PostFrame
Add new Rolling Text effect.
Add new shake effect.
Add new align effect.
Update all effect extension functions to add more functionality of the from
Add new extension functions that have default from states like slideIn/Out() and fadeIn/Out().
Add new oneShot
, animateAfter
, resetAll
functions to allow for more control over animations.
Add new repeat
parameter to animation functions to allow for repeating animations.
Add new delay
parameter to animation functions to allow for delaying animations.
Add new playIf
parameter to animation functions to allow for conditional animations.
You can’t perform that action at this time.