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Example Project 1.0.0-beta3

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@hudmarc hudmarc released this 26 Oct 18:19
· 12 commits to main since this release

First version of the demo projects. Includes some destinations where the spaceship can fly. The CSP controller on the spaceships is very basic and buggy so the movement is not smooth and it jitters, but this is a fault of the spaceship controller and not of the FFO package. I may fix it later on, but for now it does what it should.

Disclaimer (for this demo project only, does NOT apply to the rest of the package!):
I'm not entirely sure what exactly the license on the space station 3D model is, or even who made it or where it came from. It's not mine, so to be on the safe side do not use any of the art assets (2d textures, 3d models) from this demo project in commercial projects. This demo project is mainly to consult "best practices" with regards to component setup etc.


Standard disclaimers about unitypackages apply. I recommend doing this inside an empty project to avoid potential overwriting of your existing assets.

  1. Install FishNet
  2. Make sure you have installed the FishNet Floating Origin package (the one in this repository) in the Unity Package Manager.
  3. Install the FFOExampleProject.unitypackage into your Unity project (I do not recommend installing the example assets into an existing project, as your assets could potentially be overwritten.)
  4. Set "Offline Scene" as Scene 0 in your Build Settings File > Build Settings, and "Online Scene" as Scene 1.
  5. Set gravity to (0, 0, 0) in your Project settings Edit > Project Settings

You should now be good to go testing-wise!

If you just want to run unit tests...

Standard disclaimers about unitypackages apply. I recommend doing this inside an empty project to avoid potential overwriting of your existing assets.

The FishNet Floating Origin package already comes with unit tests! Assuming you already successfully installed FishNet and the pacakge, just install the unit testing setup into your project from their location inside of Packages > FishNet Floating Origin > Runtime > Example > TestingSetup.unitypackage and enable the Test Runner on your machine.

In order for the tests to show up in the Test Runner, you need to add the following line

"testables" : ["com.hudmarc.fishnet-floating-origin"]

after the "dependencies": in your project's manifest.json. For more information see this unity forum post.

Finally, make sure you've set up your scenes in Build Settings as follows:

0 Scenes/Offline Scene
1 Scenes/Online Scene
2 Testing/Automated Testing Scene
3 Testing/Offline Automated Testing Scene