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Supported Devices

hpsaturn edited this page May 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

The library was tested on the next devices:


  • ESP32 TTGO T-Journal (without PSRAM)
  • ESP32S3 Freenove Camera
  • M5CoreS3 (builtin Camera)
  • XIAO ESP32S3 Sense Camera
  • M5UnitCamS3
  • ESP32Cam AI-Thinker
  • ESP32Cam Freenove WRover (Untested. Help wanted)


  • M5Core2 (tested on the AWS version)
  • M5CoreS3
  • M5Core (see the TFT il9485 sample)
  • Makerfabs Parallel using LGFX
  • TFT 3.5 and 2.5 " using LGFX (ILI9488/9486)
  • TFT 8048S043 esp32s3 RGB
  • Generic TFT with LGFX support (better with PSRAM)
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