Boozer surfaces in simsopt
This release introduces boozer surface and computation of aspect ratio of surfaces and some major refactoring of surfaces-related code.
Major changes:
SurfaceXYZFourier surfaces are introduced, where (phi, theta) correspond to the Boozer angles on the surface, by solving a nonlinear least squares problem in
minimizeBoozerScalarizedLBFGS solves a scalarized constrained optimization problem using LBFGS, where
min 0.5* || f(x) ||^2_2 + 0.5 * constraint_weight * (label - labeltarget)^2
+0.5constraint_weight * (y(varphi=0,theta=0) -0)^2+0.5constraint_weight * (z(varphi=0,theta=0) -0)^2
where || f(x)||^2_2 is the sum of squares of the Boozer residual at
a set of quadrature points.
The final two terms in the objective function are boundary conditions to ensure that the parametrization of the surface is unique. -
minimizeBoozerScalarizedNewton solves the same scalarized constrained optimization problem as above, but instead of LBFGS, Newton's method is used.
minimizeBoozerConstrainedNewton solves the full constrained optimization problem using Newton's method.
min 0.5*|| f(x) ||^2_2
subject to
label - labeltarget = 0
y(varphi=0,theta=0) - 0 = 0
z(varphi=0,theta=0) - 0 = 0
The user is free to choose either a geometric constraint, e.g. area, or a toroidal flux constraint. is split into and -
Computation of aspect ratio of surfaces using the VMEC definition of aspect ratio is done in the Surface.aspect_ratio.
New capability of computing cross-sections of surfaces at a given cylindrical angle. This is done using bisection in the Surface.cross_section.
An implementation of SurfaceXYZFourier.to_RZFourier using Surface.cross_section. This is done by computing cross-sections of the SurfaceXYZFourier object and then fitting a SurfaceRZFourier to those cross-sections.