MeetlyAI is a smart meeting assistant for businesses to supercharge their productivity. It uses the following technologies:
- Noise Surpession
- Speech Recognition
- Speakier Diarization
Below are links to documentation for each of the tools used and places to access API keys
- Audo Studio:
- AssemblyAI:
- ReportLab:
Here are all the required installations using pip3 (or pip)
pip3 install --upgrade audoai-noise-removal
pip3 install assemblyai
pip3 install reportlab
pip3 install secure-smtplib
This repository includes the following files:
- contains the Python code for the project
- test_audio.mp3: sample audio used for testing in the tutorial
- meeting-clean.mp3: expected audio file after noise surpression is performed
- Meeting_Summary.pdf: expected PDF summary
- Meeting_Transcript.pdf: expected PDF of speaker diarization