bro is this lego island or a 3d game engine
Visual Studio 2017 (it has to be 2017 otherwise you will get code problems), the C/C++ support option for visual studio
Click on Build > Build Solution, and the executable will be in projectdir/x64/buildtarget/ASCIIEngine.exe
Click on Local Windows Debugger to start the game
You can't play this in Windows Terminal, use an admin command prompt to play the game.
I'm going to do a little rewrite of the code when this is finished.
Rewrite is done!
You have to copy the objs directory which is located at projectdir/ASCIIEngine/objs in the same folder where the exe is located
There is a web version here
You can type winget install ASCIIEngine
because Microsoft accepted my winget manifest! (you have to run it from C:\Program Files (x86)\hdfsyu-apps\ASCIIEngine)
Ability to load OBJ files!
Controls are arrow keys to move camera and go up and down, WASD to move camera and go forward and backwards.
This all runs in the terminal!
Fine, I lied. It's not completely ASCII (actually I don't think it even is ASCII) it WAS ASCII but now it isnt... :(
This project is licensed under GNU GPLv3. Freedom!