Our motivation to create the gupload tool was the deployment of the GitLab CI artifacts to our Google Drive disk. The tool is not limited to this use-case though. It is a simple Python 3 command-line utility ingesting file names and their respective path arguments. Those are uploaded to Google Drive via Google service account (recommended approach by Google) and an optionally specified folder (through its ID).
The secret file is accessed via the environmental variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
and it should be set prior the program execution:
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json
- Python 3 + PIP
- Enabled Google Drive API (you can do it in the Google Cloud Console)
- Google service account (you can do it in the Google Cloud Console)
- Credential JSON file to the service account
- Configured environmental variable
to the service account credentials
Install/upgrade the tool from PyPI using:
$ pip3 install --upgrade gupload
$ gupload --help
Usage: gupload [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
--to ID Target folder identifier. [required]
-f, --file <NAME PATH>... Input file(s) to be uploaded.
-n, --nono No action: print names of files to be upload, but
don't upload.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ gupload --to 1OQ3lq2O1zqZ01vUgzvg1iyXXtBJRl6pW --file a.out ../a.out --file changelog.txt ../changelog.txt
Uploading file: a.out
Uploading file: changelog.txt
$ gupload --to 1OQ3lq2O1zqZ01vUgzvg1iyXXtBJRl6pW *.zip
Uploading file: a.zip
Uploading file: b.zip
$ gupload --to 1OQ3lq2O1zqZ01vUgzvg1iyXXtBJRl6pW --file changelog.txt ../changelog.txt *.zip
Uploading file: changelog.txt
Uploading file: a.zip
Uploading file: b.zip
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Pavel Hübner - Initial work
- Karel Blavka - Extension
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.