The net worth tracker that based on my requirement.
- Create sqlite file for database storage.
- Create yaml config file as below:
uri: file:C:\Users\path-to-file\tracker.sqlite
port: 8080
- Compile the program with CGO enabled.
- Run the program and specified a location to config file as the argument. For example:
main.exe tracker.yaml
- Record date
- Manage assets
- Support for bought value offset
- Delete data
- Edit data
- Data summary
- Data visualization
- Life Goals
- Customizable data summary and visualization
- Move documentation from Notion to the code (probably using swagger for API and godoc for DTO)
- Refactor frontend code
- Create automated frontend regression tests (probably using selenium or chromedp)
- Use Dropbox, Google Drive as a free cloud backup.
- I estimate myself to record with 50 entries/time and 1 time/month. The estimate over my lifetime will be:
50 entries * 12 months * 80 years = 48,000 entries
, which can be handled by sqlite without needs of other database system.
Since I only work on this project to suite my needs, I will only accept PR on security issues or bugs. If you want to modify the code and make the better version for yourself, please feel free to fork this project.