Having smaller code is always a good thing. Sometimes it is a necessity, for example when running on a micro-controller with limited flash space. Smaller code should also be quicker to execute, due to less instructions.
This is a collection of tips and tricks to reduce the compiled size of the micropython
Majority of these strategies are also automated into this tool, so one does not need to search for them manually.
One of the very few resources on this topic is micropython docs - even though it mainly concerns speed, some tips are common for code size efficiency.
All the examples below are real, coming from micropython
codebase of Trezor firmware repository.
(Want to measure how big is the code in the final binary? Try out size analysis tool)
Installable by pip install upysize
- see PyPI.
Installing this package creates upysize
command, which takes the file/directory as an argument.
$ upysize .
$ upysize src/apps/bitcoin/sign_tx/bitcoin.py
$ upysize src/apps
Result will be printed into terminal, suggesting some changes in specific files, together with estimated decrease of binary size.
Overall, strategies have one thing in common - reducing the amount of instructions/bytecode that need to be compiled into the final binary/executable.
To sum up some of the lessons learned:
Accessing global symbols from functions is expensive.
Accessing symbol attributes is expensive.
which leads to a saying
Cache is our friend.
List below shows the strategies (in no particular order).
Probably the easiest way to reduce the size of the code is to delete all the unused stuff (imports, functions, classes, variables... ) - or at least delete it from the resulting binary. How to search for it? Apart from doing it manually, what helps are two things:
- code editor (at least
VS Code
) highlights unused symbols - they become greyed out - tools like Vulture can analyze whole
codebase and report all possibly unused symbols
Static type hints in modern python
are a fantastic thing, but they are not without some drawbacks. When type-hinting with object from another module, this object needs to be imported - and therefore, normally, will generate some runtime and compiled overhead.
To combat this (and also to combat circular dependencies), it is possible to use typing.TYPE_CHECKING
flag. This flag is False
at runtime, but True
when type-checking the code. The imports inside if TYPE_CHECKING:
are not executed at runtime (not included into binary at compile time).
from my_module import MyObject
def my_func(obj: MyObject) -> None:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from my_module import MyObject
def my_func(obj: MyObject) -> None:
Size cost of one global import is around 8 bytes.
Having a lot of small and well-documented helper functions is generally a good practice. However, each function has significant size overhead in the resulting binary.
When a function is used only once, it can be beneficial to inline it. This is especially true for short functions, which are not used anywhere else.
def derive_shelley_address(parameters: Params) -> bytes:
header = _create_header(parameters.address_type, network_id)
def _create_header(address_type: AddressType, network_id: int) -> bytes:
header = address_type << 4 | network_id
return header.to_bytes(1, "little")
def derive_shelley_address(parameters: Params) -> bytes:
# _create_header
header_int = parameters.address_type << 4 | network_id
header = header_int.to_bytes(1, "little")
Size benefit of inlining one-time function is around 50 bytes. It depends on the amount of function arguments - the more, the bigger the size decrease. Also, those two functions can now share one local scope, which is beneficial for caching purposes (see next strategies).
It can decrease the readability of the code. It is also then impossible to test that helper function in isolation. What would solve both these issues is compile-time magic doing the "inlining" automatically.
It may be a contradiction of the point above, to create more functions, but when the same logic is used many times, it can be (not only space-wise) beneficial to group it into a function.
self.prevouts = HashWriter(blake2b(outlen=32, personal=b"ZTxIdPrevoutHash"))
self.amounts = HashWriter(blake2b(outlen=32, personal=b"ZTxTrAmountsHash"))
self.outputs = HashWriter(blake2b(outlen=32, personal=b"ZTxIdOutputsHash"))
def blake_hash_writer_32(personal: bytes) -> HashWriter:
return HashWriter(blake2b(outlen=32, personal=personal))
self.prevouts = blake_hash_writer_32(b"ZTxIdPrevoutHash")
self.amounts = blake_hash_writer_32(b"ZTxTrAmountsHash")
self.outputs = blake_hash_writer_32(b"ZTxIdOutputsHash")
The more expensive the operation is, the bigger the size benefit. Also it is more apparent that all the steps are really the same in all places.
When there is an uninterrupted sequence of the same calls, just with different arguments, it can be beneficial to replace it with a loop.
write_uint32_le(w, tx.version | OVERWINTERED) # nVersion | fOverwintered
write_uint32_le(w, tx.version_group_id) # nVersionGroupId
write_uint32_le(w, tx.branch_id) # nConsensusBranchId
write_uint32_le(w, tx.lock_time) # lock_time
write_uint32_le(w, tx.expiry) # expiryHeight
for num in (
tx.version | _OVERWINTERED, # nVersion | fOverwintered
tx.version_group_id, # nVersionGroupId
tx.branch_id, # nConsensusBranchId
tx.lock_time, # lock_time
tx.expiry, # expiryHeight
write_uint32_le(w, num)
If applicable (when always comparing the same thing), a dict
may be more efficient than a long if-elif-else
if rotation == 0:
label = "north"
elif rotation == 90:
label = "east"
elif rotation == 180:
label = "south"
elif rotation == 270:
label = "west"
raise wire.DataError("Unsupported display rotation")
label = {
0: "north",
90: "east",
180: "south",
270: "west",
if label is None:
raise DataError("Unsupported display rotation")
In very simple cases, ternary operator can be even more space-efficient:
if msg.fee.change > 0:
action = "increase"
action = "decrease"
action = "increase" if msg.fee.change > 0 else "decrease"
Attribute access is expensive, so when we do it repeatedly, we could cache the result into one variable.
(focus on msg.address_n
async def get_address(ctx: Context, msg: GetAddress) -> Address:
await validate(ctx, msg.address_n)
node = derive(msg.address_n)
address = to_str(msg.address_n)
return Address(address=address)
async def get_address(ctx: Context, msg: GetAddress) -> Address:
address_n = msg.address_n # cache
await validate(ctx, address_n)
node = derive(address_n)
address = to_str(address_n)
return Address(address=address)
It works well even with methods:
my_list = []
my_list = []
my_list_append = my_list.append # cache
The more the attribute lookup was used, the bigger the saving. It saves around 2 bytes per one replaced lookup (when replacing 4 or more usages).
For caching methods, it worsens their readability in code editor (my_list.append
has object and method differentiated by color, while my_list_append
is only a variable).
Accessing global symbols (imported modules or top-level functions) is expensive. When we use it many times inside one function, it could be beneficial to store the reference in a local variable.
from trezor.messages import MessageType
def boot() -> None:
register(MessageType.GetAddress, get_address)
register(MessageType.GetPublicKey, get_public_key)
register(MessageType.Ping, ping)
from trezor.messages import MessageType
def boot() -> None:
MT = MessageType # cache
register(MT.GetAddress, get_address)
register(MT.GetPublicKey, get_public_key)
register(MT.Ping, ping)
"Double win" is storing a local reference to a global attribute lookup:
from trezor import wire
def validate(msg: Message) -> None:
if msg.high_fee:
raise wire.DataError("high_fee")
if msg.low_fee:
raise wire.DataError("low_fee")
from trezor import wire
def validate(msg: Message) -> None:
DataError = wire.DataError # cache
if msg.high_fee:
raise DataError("high_fee")
if msg.low_fee:
raise DataError("low_fee")
The more global usages are replaced, the bigger benefit. It is roughly 1 byte per replacement when replacing 5 or more usages.
When some imported symbol is used only in one function from the module, it is beneficial to import it locally just in that single function instead of creating a global import.
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
def get_tx_hash(w: HashWriter) -> bytes:
d = w.get_digest()
return sha256(sha256(d).digest()).digest()
def get_tx_hash(w: HashWriter) -> bytes:
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
d = w.get_digest()
return sha256(sha256(d).digest()).digest()
The more times the symbol is used in that function, the more space-beneficial it is to import it just there (as it creates a local symbol, not a global one). For each usage of local import, around 2-3 bytes are saved.
This way not all the imports are on the top and it is therefore harder to see all the dependencies of the module. Also when later adding another function using this symbol, we need to decide whether to import it also locally there, or do it globally.
Creating a constant is more costly than to define a normal number, but it saves a lot in places which use this constant.
SLIP_44_ID = 123
from micropython import const
HASH_LENGTH = const(32)
SLIP_44_ID = const(123)
_LOCAL_ONLY = const(456)
One extra benefit of using const()
is when the variable is used only in module where it is defined. In that case, prepending a variable name with _
will tell micropython
that it does not need to be included in the public module dictionary. This saves around 4 bytes. More details in micropython docs.
To avoid the need of attribute lookups on imported modules, importing the used symbols directly can be beneficial when that symbol is used many times in more than one function.
from trezor import wire
import trezorui2
def show_group_share_success():
if result is not trezorui2.CONFIRMED:
raise wire.ActionCancelled
def continue_recovery():
if result is not trezorui2.CONFIRMED:
raise wire.ActionCancelled
from trezor.wire import ActionCancelled
from trezorui2 import CONFIRMED
# CONFIRMED = trezorui2.CONFIRMED # cache # second option
def show_group_share_success():
if result is not CONFIRMED:
raise ActionCancelled
def continue_recovery():
if result is not CONFIRMED:
raise ActionCancelled
Calling functions with keyword arguments is nice (hello Rust
), but it turns out it costs more space than with positional arguments.
mosaic = MosaicLevy(
mosaic = MosaicLevy( # levy
Mosaic.ABC, # type
10, # fee
"dim", # namespace
"coin", # mosaic
It saves 3 bytes per one kwarg pair.
It can decrease readability of what each argument means, especially when there are many of them. It can be therefore good to include comments with the names of the arguments.
When data have only short-term duration (are not passed to other modules, etc.), the class may be replaced by a tuple holding just the raw data.
Defining class and creating an instance are both quite costly, so avoiding it saves space. Tuples do not have this cost.
class RippleField:
def __init__(self, type: int, key: int) -> None:
self.type: int = type
self.key: int = key
FIELDS: list[RippleField] = [
RippleField(type=FIELD_TYPE_ACCOUNT, key=1),
RippleField(type=FIELD_TYPE_ACCOUNT, key=3),
RippleField(type=FIELD_TYPE_INT32, key=27),
def serialize(w: Writer):
for field in FIELDS:
write(w, field)
def write(w: Writer, field: RippleField) -> None:
type = field.type
key = field.key
RippleField = tuple[int, int]
FIELDS: list[RippleField] = [
def serialize(w: Writer):
for field in FIELDS:
write(w, field)
def write(w: Writer, field: RippleField) -> None:
type = field[0]
key = field[1]
It worsens the readability/reliability due the need of using number subscripting (field[0]
) to access the data. It can be therefore good to define a type alias for the tuple to have a static analysis.
In memory-constrained environments we sometimes need to work with data-sets that cannot even fit RAM in their entirety. For those cases the data need to be stored in flash and accessed sequentially, which can cost a lot of space.
Yielding iterators of tuples turned out to be the most effective way. Some higher function will loop through them and can do something on each element.
(Using tuples is more efficient than classes, as already discussed above. Class can be constructed by the higher function.)
class TokenInfo:
def __init__(self, symbol: str, decimals: int) -> None:
self.symbol = symbol
self.decimals = decimals
def token_by_chain_address(address: bytes) -> TokenInfo:
if address == b"\x4e\x84...":
return TokenInfo("$FFC", 18)
if address == b"\x7d\xd7...":
return TokenInfo("$TEAK", 18)
def token_by_chain_address(address: bytes) -> TokenInfo:
for t in _token_iterator():
if address == t[0]:
return TokenInfo(t[1], t[2])
def _token_iterator() -> Iterator[tuple[bytes, str, int]]:
yield ( # address, symbol, decimals
yield ( # address, symbol, decimals
Using the strategies above, it was possible to shrink the compiled size of Trezor firmware's micropython
code by around 10 %.