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etienne-sf edited this page Jun 22, 2024 · 13 revisions

Managing the Relay Connection capability (in client mode)

The addRelayConnections parameter configures the plugin, so that it uses the @RelayConnection directive as a marker, to apply the relay connection capabilities, as defined in the Relay specification. For more information, you can check the Relay GraphQL server specification or the Relay connection specification.

When the addRelayConnections parameter is set to true, the plugin reads the GraphQL schema file(s), and enriches them it with the interfaces and types needed to respect the Relay Connection specification. The entry point for that is the @RelayConnection directive. It is specific to this plugin. It can be added to any field, that is, typically: queries, mutations, interface's fields and any object's field.

The addRelayConnections parameter may be used in these goals/tasks of the plugin:

  • generateClientCode: this allows to generate a schema, with its XxxConnection and XxxEdge classes, the Node interface, the PageInfo type... The you can use the generated GraphQL schema in any tool you want.
  • generateClientCode: this allows to have a GraphQL client that is able to call a server with these XxxConnection and XxxEdge classes, Node interface, PageInfo type...
  • generateServerCode: this allows to create a GraphQL server that manages these XxxConnection and XxxEdge classes, Node interface, PageInfo type...
  • graphql This deprecated goal/task should be avoided. But if you use it, it can use the addRelayConnections parameter as the generateClientCode and generateServerCode tasks/goals.

What does the plugin, to manage the Relay Connection capability

It must be declared in the given GraphQL schema file(s) like this:

directive @RelayConnection on FIELD_DEFINITION

Then the @RelayConnection directive may be added to every field that should be used through a Relay connection. That is: the field's type, whether it's a list or not, is replaced by the relevant XxxConnection type.

For instance the query:

query {
  allHumans(criteria: String): [Human] @RelayConnection,

is replaced by:

query {
  allHumans(criteria: String): HumanConnection! @RelayConnection,
type HumanConnection {
	edges: [HumanEdge] 
	pageInfo: PageInfo! 

type HumanEdge {
	node: Human 
	cursor: String! 

type PageInfo {
	hasNextPage: Boolean! 
	hasPreviousPage: Boolean! 
	startCursor: String! 
	endCursor: String! 

interface Node {
	id: ID! 

# The Character interface is marked as implementing the Node interface
type Human implements Node { 

And the field:

Human {
   friends: Character @RelayConnection,

is replaced by:

Human {
   friends: CharacterConnection! @RelayConnection,

interface CharacterConnection {
	edges: [CharacterEdge] 
	pageInfo: PageInfo! 

interface CharacterEdge {
	node: Character 
	cursor: String! 

type PageInfo {
	hasNextPage: Boolean! 
	hasPreviousPage: Boolean! 
	startCursor: String! 
	endCursor: String! 

interface Node {
	id: ID! 

# The Character interface is marked as implementing the Node interface
interface Character implements Node { 

Please note that:

  • This page is relevant only for the client mode. If you're generating a GraphQL server code, please check the server Relay Connection page.
  • The field's type marked with the @RelayConnection may be either a type or an interface. As it's a field's type, it may not be an input type.
  • The field's type marked with the @RelayConnection MUST contain an id field, of type ID. Otherwise, an error is thrown at code generation time.
  • If the @RelayConnection is set on a field of an interface, it will be applied to this interface's field, and to this field for all type that implements this interface.
    • In this later case, the directive should also be set to this field, for all the implementing type. If not, a warning is generated.
  • If the @RelayConnection is not set on a field of an interface, but is set in the same field, for one type that implements this interface, then an error is generated.
  • For each type marked at least once, with the @RelayConnection directive (the Human type, and the Character interface, here above), the relevant XxxConnection and XxxEdge type ares added to the in-memory schema.
  • The Node interface is added as being implemented by each type marked at least once, with the @RelayConnection directive. For instance, in the two samples above, the Human type and the Character interface are marked as implementing the Node interface.

What tasks are executed by the plugin?

To sum-up, if addRelayConnections plugin parameter is set to true, the plugin will:

  • Check that the @RelayConnection directive definition exists in the GraphQL schema, and is compliant with the above definition
  • Add the Node interface in the GraphQL schema (if not already defined).
    • If this interface is already defined in the given schema, but is not compliant with the relay specification, then an error is thrown.
  • Add the PageInfo type in the GraphQL schema (if not already defined).
    • If this type is already defined in the given schema, but is not compliant with the relay specification, then an error is thrown.
  • All the Edge and Connection type in the GraphQL schema, for each attribute's type that is marked by the @RelayConnection directive.
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