Monitors grin network and price, and nicehash C32 rate and price. Reports an attack if detected.
How to use it:
- Create a NiceHash account
- Get a NiceHash API ID and KEY
- Set environment variables NICEHASH_API_ID and NICEHASH_API_KEY
- Clone this git project
- Run:
Reports possible to attack if:
- NiceHash C32 price is at least 30% higher than recent average and
- NiceHash C32 "Total Available Speed" is at least 30% higher than recent average and
- NiceHash C32 price is at least 30% higher than is profitable based on current grin price and current grin network c32 graph rate.
Example Output:
Num Attack Detections: 0
nh_price_dev: 0.978374441947
nh_speed_dev: 1.02894497499
grin_profitability: 0.764705513161
No attack detected at this time