This plugin aims to help CakePHP developers using the Gourmet suite of plugins.
Use Sublime Text 2's Package Control (Preferences -> Package Control -> Install Package -> Gourmet) to install this plugin.
@todo Write up.
This plugin adds support for running tests (or any CakePHP shell command) from inside Sublime Text 2.
Right-click in the editor to:
- Open the associated test file (i.e. Model/User.php -> Model/UserTest.php)
- Run all tests in the current file
- Run select method unit test - TODO
- Run all unit tests - TODO
Right-click in the side-bar to:
- Open the associated test file (i.e. Model/User.php -> Model/UserTest.php)
- Run all tests in the current file
Go to the Tools menu (Tools -> Gourmet] to:
- Open the associated test file (i.e. Model/User.php -> Model/UserTest.php)
- Run all tests in the current file
- Run select method unit test - TODO
- Run all unit tests - TODO
You can also open up the Command Palette (CMD + SHIFT + P on OSX), and type 'Gourmet' to see what you can do with Gourmet in the currently open file.
We add the following snippets to speed up writing PHP test code.
To use any of the snippets, simply type the name of the snippet, then press the key. Sublime Text 2 will insert the snippet, and you can then use the key to move through any placeholders that you need to replace.
- gourmet-addTest: Stubs test method
- gourmet-newCommonTestCase: Stubs class TestCase that extends
- gourmet-addBeforeSave: Stubs the
- Fork
- Mod, fix
- Commit - do not mess with license, todo, version, etc. (if you do change any, bump them into commits of their own that I can ignore when I pull)
- Pull request - bonus point for topic branches
Copyright 2014, Jad Bitar
Licensed under The MIT License Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.