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Merge branch 'master' into xsn/server_pytest
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ngxson committed Nov 26, 2024
2 parents 58cbcd2 + 7066b4c commit 3a504ae
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Showing 125 changed files with 4,924 additions and 2,270 deletions.
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions .clang-format
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
Language: Cpp
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
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AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: AcrossComments
AlignConsecutiveMacros: AcrossComments
# AlignConsecutiveShortCaseStatements: AcrossComments
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AfterExternBlock: false
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SplitEmptyRecord: false
SplitEmptyNamespace: false
# BreakAdjacentStringLiterals: true
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BreakBeforeInlineASMColon: OnlyMultiline
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SortPriority: 0
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- cc
- CC
- cpp
- Cpp
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- 'C++'
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50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/01-bug-low.yml

This file was deleted.

77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/010-bug-compilation.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
name: Bug (compilation)
description: Something goes wrong when trying to compile llama.cpp.
title: "Compile bug: "
labels: ["bug-unconfirmed", "compilation"]
- type: markdown
value: >
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!
This issue template is intended for bug reports where the compilation of llama.cpp fails.
Before opening an issue, please confirm that the compilation still fails with `-DGGML_CCACHE=OFF`.
If the compilation succeeds with ccache disabled you should be able to permanently fix the issue
by clearing `~/.cache/ccache` (on Linux).
- type: textarea
id: commit
label: Git commit
description: Which commit are you trying to compile?
placeholder: |
$git rev-parse HEAD
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: operating-system
label: Operating systems
description: Which operating systems do you know to be affected?
multiple: true
- Linux
- Mac
- Windows
- Other? (Please let us know in description)
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: backends
label: GGML backends
description: Which GGML backends do you know to be affected?
options: [AMX, BLAS, CPU, CUDA, HIP, Kompute, Metal, Musa, RPC, SYCL, Vulkan]
multiple: true
required: true
- type: textarea
id: info
label: Problem description & steps to reproduce
description: >
Please give us a summary of the problem and tell us how to reproduce it.
If you can narrow down the bug to specific compile flags, that information would be very much appreciated by us.
placeholder: >
I'm trying to compile llama.cpp with CUDA support on a fresh install of Ubuntu and get error XY.
Here are the exact commands that I used: ...
required: true
- type: textarea
id: first_bad_commit
label: First Bad Commit
description: >
If the bug was not present on an earlier version: when did it start appearing?
If possible, please do a git bisect and identify the exact commit that introduced the bug.
required: false
- type: textarea
id: logs
label: Relevant log output
description: >
Please copy and paste any relevant log output, including the command that you entered and any generated text.
This will be automatically formatted into code, so no need for backticks.
render: shell
required: true
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/011-bug-results.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
name: Bug (model use)
description: Something goes wrong when using a model (in general, not specific to a single llama.cpp module).
title: "Eval bug: "
labels: ["bug-unconfirmed", "model evaluation"]
- type: markdown
value: >
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!
This issue template is intended for bug reports where the model evaluation results
(i.e. the generated text) are incorrect or llama.cpp crashes during model evaluation.
If you encountered the issue while using an external UI (e.g. ollama),
please reproduce your issue using one of the examples/binaries in this repository.
The `llama-cli` binary can be used for simple and reproducible model inference.
- type: textarea
id: version
label: Name and Version
description: Which version of our software are you running? (use `--version` to get a version string)
placeholder: |
$./llama-cli --version
version: 2999 (42b4109e)
built with cc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0 for x86_64-linux-gnu
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: operating-system
label: Operating systems
description: Which operating systems do you know to be affected?
multiple: true
- Linux
- Mac
- Windows
- Other? (Please let us know in description)
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: backends
label: GGML backends
description: Which GGML backends do you know to be affected?
options: [AMX, BLAS, CPU, CUDA, HIP, Kompute, Metal, Musa, RPC, SYCL, Vulkan]
multiple: true
required: true
- type: textarea
id: hardware
label: Hardware
description: Which CPUs/GPUs are you using?
placeholder: >
e.g. Ryzen 5950X + 2x RTX 4090
required: true
- type: textarea
id: model
label: Models
description: >
Which model(s) at which quantization were you using when encountering the bug?
If you downloaded a GGUF file off of Huggingface, please provide a link.
placeholder: >
e.g. Meta LLaMA 3.1 Instruct 8b q4_K_M
required: false
- type: textarea
id: info
label: Problem description & steps to reproduce
description: >
Please give us a summary of the problem and tell us how to reproduce it.
If you can narrow down the bug to specific hardware, compile flags, or command line arguments,
that information would be very much appreciated by us.
placeholder: >
e.g. when I run llama-cli with -ngl 99 I get garbled outputs.
When I use -ngl 0 it works correctly.
Here are the exact commands that I used: ...
required: true
- type: textarea
id: first_bad_commit
label: First Bad Commit
description: >
If the bug was not present on an earlier version: when did it start appearing?
If possible, please do a git bisect and identify the exact commit that introduced the bug.
required: false
- type: textarea
id: logs
label: Relevant log output
description: >
Please copy and paste any relevant log output, including the command that you entered and any generated text.
This will be automatically formatted into code, so no need for backticks.
render: shell
required: true

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