Visit the app here.
The language: Stochastic, Parametric, Context-free, L-System.
Symbols may have parameters. They are of the format:
symbol{param1, param2, ...}
Parameters are separted by commas. Parameters are optional, thus, the following is also valid:
Symbols may either be:
- Special symbols (commands): uses lowercase characters. These symbols are used to control the turtle. Examples are:
. - Non-special symbols (variables): uses uppercase characters. Examples are:
Axiom is a list of symbols separated by whitespace character(s). It is of the format:
symbol1{param1_1, param1_2, ...} symbol2 ...
Parameters of symbols in an axiom must evaluate to a constant. Some valid constant parameters are:
symbol{sin(pi/2)} // 1
symbol{sin(30 deg)} // 0.5
symbol{pi} // 3.1415926535898
symbol{1.2} // 1.2
symbol{log(e)} // 1
symbol{true} // true
symbol{false} // false
Parameters are evaluated using math.js. More functions can be found here.
Production rules are of the format:
symbol{var1, var2, ...} -> new_symbol1{param1, param2, ...} new_symbol2 new_symbol3 ...
Parameters of the symbol on the left hand side must be variables. For clarity, an example is the following:
symbol{a, b, c} -> new_symbol1{a + 1} new_symbol2{2 * b, c}
All parameters are optional. Thus, the following is also valid:
symbol -> new_symbol1 ...
Special symbols may be used in the left hand side in production rules. Thus, the following is valid:
+x -> +x l
iterations: 2
axiom: X
production rules:
X -> +x l X
+x l +x l X
iterations: 2
axiom: l
production rules:
l -> +x l
+x +x l
iterations: 2
axiom: START
production rules:
possible results:
iterations: 1
axiom: l{1}
production rules:
l{x} -> l{sin(x deg)} +x{x} l{2 * x}
l{0.017452406437284} +x{1} l{2}
iterations: 4
axiom: m{0x594d30, 0.9, 0} A{0.2}
production rules:
A{r} -> l{0.2, r, r} +x +y +z [ [ A{r/2} ] -x A{r/2} ] -x -y -z l{0.2, r, r} [ -x l{0.2, r, r/2} A{r/2} m{0xf695c3, 0.7, 0} sphere ] +x A{r/2}
l{a, b, c} -> l{a*2.5, b, c}
l{a, b, c} -> l{a*2, b, c}
sphere -> sphere{random()/7+0.1}
iterations: 3
axiom: t{0.5} s X e
production rules:
X -> +x -z X f +x -z X f X +y f +x +z +z X f X -x f -y +z +z X f X +y f +z X +y +z
iterations: 3
axiom: m{0xffffff, 0.9, 0.9, true} f{8/2} cone{8, 8, 3}
production rules:
cone{s, s} -> f{s/4} cone{s/2, s/2, 3} f{-s/2} [ +x{90} f{s*sin(pi/6)} -x{90} cone{s/2, s/2, 3} ] [ +z{120} +x{90} f{s*sin(pi/6)} -x{90} cone{s/2, s/2, 3} ] [ -z{120} +x{90} f{s*sin(pi/6)} -x{90} cone{s/2, s/2, 3} ] f{s/4}
iterations: 5
axiom: s m{0x228B22} t{0.3} f X e
production rules:
X -> f{1} X [ -x +z{183} +y{10} f{1} X ] [ +x +z{16} +y{5} f{1} X ]
iterations: 8
axiom: J m{0x00FF00} K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K
production rules:
J -> J m{0x964B00} -y cone s f e
K -> -z{30} [ -y{32} L A ]
L -> L -y{4}
A -> s f e [ -x{24} B ] -y{16} [ A ] [ +x{24} B ]
B -> s f e -y{16} B
cone -> m{0x964B00} cone{random()/7+0.3}
iterations: 9
axiom: A B m{0x8B4513} sphere
production rules:
A -> s f f e
B -> r{0.08} C I +z{60} B
C -> C s f e
E -> -y{4} E
I -> r{0.04} J J J J J J J J
J -> +z{60} [ -y{48} E G ]
G -> r{0.08} C F [ -x{30} m{0x50C878} D sphere ] +y +y [ -x{30} m{0x50C878} D sphere ] G
D -> F [ -x{30} ] +y [ +x{30} ] D
cone -> m{0x50C878} cone{random()/5+0.1}
sphere -> m{0x50C878, 0.7, 0, false, true, false, true, 0.8, 2} sphere{random()/7+1, 12, 6, 0, pi/2, 0, pi}
iterations: 9
axiom: A B m{0x8B4513} sphere
production rules:
A -> s f e
B -> r{0.4} C I +z{60} B
C -> C s f e
E -> -y{4} E
I -> r{0.4} J J J J J J J J
J -> +z{60} [ -y{12} E G ]
G -> r{0.08} C F [ -x{30} m{0x50C878} D cube ] +y +y [ -x{30} m{0x50C878} D cube ] G
D -> F [ -x{30} ] +y [ +x{30} ] D
sphere -> m{0x50C878} sphere{0.5}
cube -> m{0x50C878} cube{1}
iterations: 5
axiom: m{0x00FF00} J m{0xFF0000} K K K K K K K KK K K K K K K K K K K K
production rules:
J -> J -y s f f f e m{0x00FF00}
K -> -z{30} [ -y{32} L A ]
L -> L -y{4}
A -> s f e [ -x{24} B ] -y{16} [ A ] [ +x{24} B ]
B -> s f e -y{16} B
iterations: 5
axiom: s t{0.7} f X e
production rules:
X -> X +x Y f +x
Y -> -x f X -x Y
iterations: 3
axiom: s m{0x66cdaa} f +x +x f +x +x f +x +x f +x +x f e
production rules:
f -> s f +x +x f +x +x f +x{180} f -x f +x +x f e
iterations: 4
axiom: s f e
production rules:
f -> f +x f -x f -x f +x f
ABDAO, Regina | VILLARANTE, Gerizim | |
Conceptualization | Proposed 2D L-Systems | Proposed 3D L-systems |
Code |
Examples created |
Documentation | Helped and finalized overall documentation | Helped in overall documentation |
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
See Vite Configuration Reference.
npm install
npm run dev
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