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Tom Kralidis edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 1 revision


Monday 27 July 2020 18h UTC


Agenda (Final)

  1. review of previous meeting actions
  2. OGC API - Records implementation
  3. OGC API - Coverages implementation
  4. HTML/UI strategy
  5. Python 2 support and dev style adoption
  6. 0.8 release, 0.9 milestones
  7. 1.0 roadmap
  8. Google Summer of code (update on current status, next steps)
  9. Triple store (RDF) implementation of WoSIS dataset - prototype guidelines
  10. Events


@tomkralidis (chair) @jorgejesus (meeting notes) @kalxas

  • There was not enough attendees, some decisions will be taken on next meeting

Notes of previous

2. OGC API - Records implementation

  • OGC API - Records implementation, work in progress, concluded to implement TinyDB

3. OGC API - Coverages implementation

  • slowly evolving. I expanded our provider configuration to take into account for OACov, as well as Coverages that could be advertised as features. Waiting on OACov sprint to further make a dent based on what’s in the coverages branch.

Need to be carefull with merge into master, bad experience from OAProc Our recent schema troubles in OAProc are a good example (

4. HTML/UI strategy

Skipped to next meeting

5. Python 2 support and dev style adoption

dropped Python 2 support, f-string and .format() to be decided later.

No decision

8. GSoC

@FarheenB has implemented pycql on the pytests, and now she is looking at a full example using an URL @alex-mathew has the rest end points done, some issues of implementation logic with json-merge they have been working on simple data providers, csv and geojson for GSoC-3 they have to work on other data providers

9. Triple store (RDF) implementation of WoSIS dataset - prototype guidelines

In ISRIC, We have triple store (virtuoso) that supports GeoSparql, and there we have dataset and profiles as "entry point", the idea is for pygeoapi have as tripple store provider and output JSON-LD specific for this Like OAProc, I am concern on merging to master, and would also like to look at the geojson-ls content This is a bit blue sky research and has to be present on the 1st week of September. @alex-mathew will likely have comments/opinions here

10. Events

  • @francbartoli, @kalxas and @tomkralidis presenting pygeoapi at
  • @tomkralidis presenting pygeoapi at ApacheCon:
  • @jorgejesus @alex-mathew and @FarheenB have also register for the OAFeatures OGC meeting in September
  • @tomkralidis will also give a report at the OSGeo AGM in September (we are a community project)
  • @justb "mini" GeoPython 2020 online edition, September 21-22, 2020 ???


  • Drop support for python2


Next meeting

Next Meeting

Monday 14 September 2020 18h UTC in gitter


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