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goodb edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the GO_Shapes wiki!


Shapes are intended to capture the basic schema of the GO-CAM modeling pattern. Technically, shape-driven code can be used to validate models created in the Noctua UI or models created elsewhere. Validation should provide intelligible feedback about how the models do or do not align with the GO-CAM schema.

Some more background: Slide Intro to GO-CAMs and Shapes

Here are examples of parts of the schema

  • each instance should generally have a single rdf:type assertion
  • A cell component should have at most one part_of assertion, to a cell (and the cell to zero or one gross anatomical structures; and that to zero or one organisms; and when we extend noctua, to populations...)

Examples of Shex in related projects

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