Django Rest Framework API for Fyle Xero Integration
Add and update the
submodule$ git submodule init $ git submodule update
Download and install Docker desktop for Mac from here.
If you're using a linux machine, please download docker according to the distrubution you're on.
Rename docker-compose.yml.template to docker-compose.yml
$ mv docker-compose.yml.template docker-compose.yml
Setup environment variables in docker_compose.yml
environment: SECRET_KEY: thisisthedjangosecretkey ALLOWED_HOSTS: "*" DEBUG: "False" APP_URL: http://localhost:4200 API_URL: http://localhost:8000/api DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/xero_db FYLE_BASE_URL: FYLE_CLIENT_ID: FYLE_CLIENT_SECRET: FYLE_TOKEN_URI: XERO_BASE_URL: XERO_CLIENT_ID: XERO_CLIENT_SECRET: XERO_REDIRECT_URI: http://localhost:4200/workspaces/xero/callback XERO_TOKEN_URI:
Build docker images
docker-compose build api qcluster
Run docker containers
docker-compose up -d db api qcluster
The database can be accessed by this command, on password prompt type
docker-compose run db psql -h db -U postgres xero_db
To tail the logs a service you can do
docker-compose logs -f <api / qcluster>
To stop the containers
docker-compose stop api qcluster
To restart any containers -
would usually be needed with qcluster after you make any code changes
docker-compose restart qcluster
To run bash inside any container for purpose of debugging do
docker-compose exec api /bin/bash