A custom music player modular with JSON database
Basic music player controls (play/pause, previous/next music, seekbar and volume bar)
Display current time and audio duration
Controls like Spotify (random music, play in loop, play the same music)
Advanced behavior for the controls :
Drag seekbar and volume bar when mousedown on the dot or on the bar
Clicking on volume icon toggles mute or unmute action. When muted, the volume is saved
Next music button triggers play music
Previous music puts currentTime 0 if the music has been played for less than 5s, else it triggers play music
If Loop button is not activated, then the music is paused when it is ended and currentTime is to 0
If Loop button is on playlist-loop, the next music is automatically played
If Loop button is on music-loop, the same music is played continuously
If Random button is activated, the Loop-button behavior is mixed with it
Random button, if activated, creates a random playlist and we can navigate in it with previous and next buttons (the random order remains)
Two main colors are created by analysing, with canvas, Data URI of the album cover image
Lyrics (.vtt files) synchronized with the music (using track HTML tag)
The Title of the page is the music is played, and is the default one when not played
Android notification with embedded controls, music name and artist
Keyboard shortucts (spacebar to play, ctrl + left arrow to play previous music, ctrl + right arrow to play next music)
CSS Animations to change and display images, musics informations and lyrics
JSON database to add easily musics, (get it with fetch)
Full responsive (desktop, mobile and tablet) :
Seekbar and volume bar draggable with touchevent
Lyrics remains displayed
Portrait and landscape modes supported
LocalStorage enabled :
Save automatically the current time, the volume, the music played, and the loop/random states
If Random button was activated before the refresh, the random playlist is saved with the music played (we can navigate in it after refreshing)
Minimifed JS and CSS
Compressed images
Custom font for the icons, not images!
- Canvas
- Google Mediadata API
- Spotify controls behavior
- rentanadviser.com for the lyrics
- icomoon.io for the custom font
- reset.css
- Use a web server or MAMP (needed for fetch and lyrics files)
- Or see here
- Chrome (Desktop and Mobile devices)
- Safari (Desktop devices)
- Edge (Woohoo incredible :O \o/)
- Safari (Cannot control volume using the volume bar, functionnality locked by Apple) (Mobile devices)
- Firefox (lyrics doesn't work) (Desktop and Mobile devices)