A set of functions to decode infomask bits. The aim of this set of functions is to ease interpreting hintbits and permit to query easily as every significant hintbit is accessible as a boolean value.
For example, the following query detects row that have the XMIN_COMMITTED
bit set :
WITH list_blocks AS (
SELECT (generate_series(1,
(pg_relation_size('test') / current_setting('block_size')::int)
) - 1)::int AS blk
SELECT '(' || blk || ',' || lp || ')' AS ctid,
t_infomask, t_xmin, t_xmax,
xactinfo.xmin_status, xactinfo.xmax_status
FROM list_blocks,
LATERAL heap_page_items(get_raw_page('test', list_blocks.blk)),
LATERAL pg_get_xact_infomask(t_infomask) AS xactinfo
WHERE xactinfo.xmin_committed;