Specification of the FRED (Flexible REpresentation of Data) format
FRED (Flexible REpresentation of Data) is a data-interchange format. It was created with the goal to be easy for humans to read and write but also easy to create parsers.
It has more data types than JSON and some features like support for metadata and tags.
null values are represented as expected.
Booleans are always lowercase.
The only way to represent a string is with quotation marks.
"String that is valid. \"quote\" are allowed. Unicode \uOOE9 and other escape\n\t"
It accepts any unicode character except those that need to be escaped.
Number representation can be both Integer or Float numbers.
Date can be representended with only the date portion of an RFC 3339 formatted date-time. This has no timezone or offset associated.
Time can be representended with only the time portion of an RFC 3339 formatted date-time without timezone. This has no timezone or offset associated.
DateTime can be represented without timezone
DateTime can have the '_' as the separator to improve readability.
DateTime can be represented with timeoffset or 'Z' as UTC
It can represents raw binary date with backticks
Also represent symbols with the '$' character.
Array expect at least one whitespace to separate the values. Commas are also whitespace.
[1 2 3]
The key can be represented without quotation marks, but also as a literal string with double quotes.
The separator between values is at least one whitespace, Commas are also whitespace.
foo : "bar"
"test foo" : "bar"
A tag in FRED indicates some semantic meaning to the following element.
person {
name: "eric"
age: 25
fibonacci [0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13]
With tagged elements it is also possible to add metadata abot the following element.
phone (country="Brazil") "32131123"
blog (page=1) [{ title: "LOREM IPSUM" }]
It is also possible to represent a tag and meta data without a following element with the notation
(tag attr=1)
In FRED commas are treated as whitespace.
my-app.users.name (attr="string" attr2=42 ) {
foo: "bar",
bar: "foo",
FRED has support for streaming.
#. person "Jhon"
#. person "Mary"
#. person "James"
FRED extends the JSON data model allowing more complex types. It also has an explicit mechanism for extension of the data model (tags).
FRED has a mechanism of extension inspired by XML. But differently from XML it has the goal of being a data-exchange format not a markup language. Also, it will have a schema format.
The grammar for FRED is defined in a grammar file which is a lark file and follows the notation specified here.