TickPass is a web application for managing tickets and admissions with QR Code passes.
- Generate Ticket with QR Code passes
- Scan & validate QR Code passes
- Web based
Client: HTML5/CSS
Server: PHP 8, Symfony 5
Tools: Docker, Symfony CLI, composer
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/franjsco/TickPass
Go to the project directory
cd TickPass
Install dependencies
composer install
Configure .env
Create database and launch migrations (only the first time)
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Start docker containers
docker compose up -d
Start development server
symfony server:start
Open the browser and navigate to these routes
Route | Address |
Ticket Validator | http://localhost:8000/ |
Admin | http://localhost:8000/admin |