A Node.js CLI for embedding the weather in your terminal prompt.
- An openweathermap.org API key. You can generate one here, but you will need to register with OpenWeather first.
- Run
npm install -g terminal-weather
- Run
terminal-weather configure
prompts you for an open weathermap.org API and a temperature unit.
- Run
terminal-weather configure
to connect your API key, set the temperature unit and display formatting.
$ terminal-weather -h
usage: terminal-weather [ option | command ]
terminal-weather gets weather, maybe from cache, maybe from owm
terminal-weather -n, --invalidate-cache invalidates cache, gets weather
terminal-weather -p, --prompt gets weather, prints w/ no newline
terminal-weather --help, -h prints help
terminal-weather info prints config values
terminal-weather configure configure tw
format values:
i: icon
t: text
l: low
h: high
w: weekday
u: temp units
example format string: "i l/h u "
Your configuration file can be found at ~/.twconfig. It looks like this:
If you want to include terminal-weather in your bash prompt, here is what you need to add to your ~/.bashrc:
# a function to insert the terminal-weather command into your PS1 variable
set_bash_prompt() {
PS1="$(terminal-weather -p)\u@[\h]$ $(history -n)"
# include above fn in prompt command variable so the prompt is reset each time it is rendered
uses the following APIs:
- ip-api.com to map your ip to a location.
- openweathermap.org to retrieve the current weather for your location.
to 10 minutes for regular use because this is the update frequency of Open Weather's API. The rest of the time, terminal-weather
prints a cached value. This is especially useful if you want the weather in your terminal prompt.
If you update your display, units and/or format string, the update will not be visible until the cache expires. To make the effects immediately visible, pass the -n
flag to explicitly invalidate the cache at the same time. E.g.:
terminal-weather -n
terminal-weather --invalidate-cache
- First (definitely do this first!!!), remove terminal weather call from the bash prompt in your
file - Then run
npm uninstall -g terminal-weather