A suite of scripts to predict gene expression from the DNA sequence using position weigth matrices, and perform a transcriptome-wide association study (TWAS).
Download and unzip the latest release
(follow the instructions at the project's repository) -
(follow the instructions at the project's repository) -
Launch R and install the required packages from either CRAN or Bioconductor, as appropriate:
- BEDMatrix
- GenomicFeatures
- docopt
- fplyr
- glmnet
You will also need perl
Transcriptome-wide association studies can be performed in two modes:
genotype-level, when all the genotypes of the individuals are available;
and summary-level, when only summary statistics are available. While
TReX supports both of these modes, the two pipelines are somewhat
different and will be described separately. All the commands should be
run from within the root of the repository, i.e. the TReX
TReX uses the total binding affinities of transcription factors for the regulatory regions of a gene in order to predict the gene's expression; The first step of the analysis is to define the regulatory regions for each gene. By default, only promoters are used. We recommend to split the files by chromosome and work on one chromosome at a time.
1. A GTF or GFF3 file with all the transcripts annotation
2. (Optional) A BED file with the enhancers
Rscript make_regreg.R \
transcripts.gtf \ # The GTF or GFF3 file with the annotations
--upstream=1500 \ # Promoter start upstream of the TSS
--downstream=500 \ # Promoter end downstream of the TSS
--chromosome=chr7 \ # Consider only the specified chromosome
--threads=1 \ # Number of cores for parallel computations
--output=chr7.regreg.bed # Path to the output file
If one wishes to include enhancers in addition to promoters, they
can separately create or download a BED file with all the enhancers
coordinates and supply this file to make_regreg.R
with the option
. Then, to each gene it will be assigned the
closest enhancer.
The output of make_regreg.R
will be a BED file with the coordinates
and the names of all the regulatory regions associated to each gene.
Having defined the regulatory regions, it is now time to compute the total binding affinities of transcription factors for the regions.
BED file with the regulatory regions (obtained in the previous step)
VCF file with the genetic variants of each sample
Position weight matrices of all transcription factors in TRANSFAC format
FASTA file with the reference sequence of the genome
(Optional) Background letter frequencies of the genome
We recommend some preprocessing of the VCF before using it with TReX.
For example, it may be useful to remove samples or variants with too
many missing values, or to keep only variants with a MAF of at least
0.01. plink2
is an excellent resource for this type of processing.
Consider also the imputation of missing genotypes, especially if the
genotypes don't come from whole-genome sequencing.
The 'Background letter frequencies' file should be a simple file with one line and four columns: each column should contain the frequency of A, C, G, and T, respectively, in the reference genome.
bash compute_tba.sh \
--bed chr7.regreg.bed \ # The regulatory regions
--vcf chr7.vcf.gz \ # The VCF
--pwm human_motifs.transfac \ # The position weight matrices
--ref chr7.fa.gz \ # The reference sequence
--bkg bgk_frequencies.txt \ # The background frequencies
--threads 1 \ # Number of threads for parallel computations
--outdir tba/chr7/ # Output directory
The computation should take around 1-20 hours for each chromosome
(parallelisation won't help much). The two main outputs that will be
created by compute_tba.sh
are tba.tsv and vcfrider_snps.tsv,
the former containing the total binding affinity values for each
gene-sample-transcriptionfactor triplet.
Now, using a data set where both genotypes and gene expression are available (e.g. GTEx, ROS-MAP, ...), we train the regression models that predict gene expression from the total binding affinities.
Total binding affinities file (obtained in the previous step)
Gene expression file
(Optional) List of samples ID
We recommend some preprocessing for the gene expression
file; best practices are described at the GTEx
In particular, we recommend normalization and
inverse-normal transformation of the expression values. As TReX does not
support custom covariates in the regression model, we also recommend to
not work with the expression directly, but rather with the residuals of
(The covariates can be downloaded
from the GTEx portal).
Rscript fit_model.R \
expr_residuals.tsv \ # Path to the expression file
tba/chr7/tba.tsv \ # Path to the TBA file
--folds 1 \ # Number of folds for performance evaluation
--nested-folds 10 \ # Number of folds for parameter tuning
--min-R2 0.1 \ # Minimum performance R^2 to consider
--train-samples samples_ID.txt \ # List of samples
--threads 1 \ # Number of threads for parallel computations
--outdir training/chr7/ # Output directory
Since we want to evaluate the performance of a model and tune some
parameters at the same time, we must use a 'nested cross-validation.'
The folds
argument specifies the number of folds in the outer loop;
in the existing literature, this is set to 5. If you don't want to
evaluate the performance (it is time consuming after all), pass 1 to
this argument. The nested-folds
argument specifies the number of folds
in the inner loop; by default, it is 10. After the cross-validation, the
model with the best parameters is fit on the whole data. As a measure
of the performance of the model, we use the R2 (the square
between the true and the predicted expression values).
When you choose to evaluate the performance (thereby setting the folds
argument to something greater than 2), you can decide to not bother
fitting the model if the performance was too low. The min-R2
lets you choose the minimum cross-validation R2 after which
the model will be fitted. Recall that there are two steps: first the
cross-validation evaluates the performance and finds the optimal
parameters, then the model is fitted on the whole data. If, after the
cross-validation, the performance was low (i.e. the R2
was low), it means that predicting the expression of this gene is
too difficult for the model, so it may be best to discard that gene
The samples_ID.txt file should be a simple one-column file with one sample ID for each line. The individuals listed in this file will be used for the training. You may want to use this argument to save some individuals for the validation or the testing of the model. By default, all individuals are used.
This is likely to be the slowest step of the pipeline, but it can be parallelised at will. Nevertheless, if you cannot train these models, email the authors of the paper: they will be more than happy to provide the pre-trained models. Maybe the models will be even uploaded to a public server.
After fitting the model (or downloading the precomputed weights), it is time to apply it to a data set where genotypes and phenotypes (but not expressions) are available. But first, we have to predict the gene expression in those individuals whose genotypes are available. The first step here is to compute the total binding affinities in those samples. The procedure is the same as in section 2. Computing the total binding affinity, except that now the VCF file refers to the new data set.
BED file with the regulatory regions (obtained at the beginning)
VCF file with the genetic variants of each sample in the new data set
Position weight matrices of all transcription factors in TRANSFAC format
FASTA file with the reference sequence of the genome
(Optional) Background letter frequencies of the genome
If you have just downloaded the precomputed weights, you should still define the regulatory regions as described above.
We recommend to apply the same preprocessing to the VCF in the training data set and in the prediction data set. Consider also the imputation of missing genotypes.
Make sure that the genome assembly versions are the same between the two data set, otherwise you will have to convert them. For instance, both data set should have hg38 coordinates.
bash compute_tba.sh \
--bed chr7.regreg.bed \ # The regulatory regions
--vcf chr7.phenodataset.vcf.gz \ # The VCF
--pwm human_motifs.transfac \ # The position weight matrices
--ref chr7.fa.gz \ # The reference sequence
--bkg bgk_frequencies.txt \ # The background frequencies
--threads 1 \ # Number of threads for parallel computations
--outdir tba/genopheno/chr7/ # Output directory
Now that we have the predictors, we can use the training weights to predict gene expression.
Total binding affinities file (obtained in the previous step)
R object with the model fit (obtained in the training phase)
(Optional) List of samples ID
Rscript predict_trex.R \
training/chr7/fit/trex_fit.Rds \ # The fit object
tba/genopheno/chr7/tba.tsv \ # The TBA file
--test-samples samples/genopheno/list.txt \ # The list of samples
--threads 1 \ # Number of cores for parallel computations
--outdir prediction/chr7/ # Output directory
If the true expression for this data set is available, some statistics
about the accuracy of the prediction can be generated by passing the
true expression file path with the --expression
Finally, we associate the predicted expression to the phenotype. The association test is made with either linear or logistic regression, according to whether the phenotype is quantitative or binary. The output of this step will be a file containing, for each gene, an estimate of the association (the coefficient of the regression), its standard error, its Z-score, and its p-value.
Predicted expression file (generated in the previous step)
Phenotype file
Covariates file
The phenotype file can actually contain multiple phenotypes. It should contain the sample IDs in the first column and all the phenotypes in the subsequent columns (one sample per line). TReX will perform one association test for each phenotype, after merging the covariates.
The covariates file should have the sample IDs in the first column and all the covariates (e.g. age, sex, principal components of the genoype...) in the next columns.
Rscript genotype_twas.R \
phenotypes/alzheimer.tsv \ # The phenotypes file
prediction/chr7/trex_pred.tsv \ # The predicted expression
--covar phenotypes/alzheimer_covar.tsv \ # The covariates
--threads 1 \ # Number of cores for parallel computations
--outdir twas/individual/alzheimer/chr7/ # Output directory
Use the --pheno-quantile-normalize
to apply an inverse normal
transformation to the quantitative phenotypes before performing the
In this step the effect of each SNP on the total binding affinity will be computed. Later, the change in TBA caused by each SNP will be combined with the change in gene expresson caused by the TBA, to ultimately find the change in gene expression caused by each SNP. Then, the change in gene expression caused by each SNP (through the TBA) will be combined with the GWAS Z-score of that SNP to find associations between SNPs and phenotypes.
This step must be performed on a reference data set where the genotypes are available. We recommend to use, if possible, the same data set used for the training. If you have downloaded the precomputed weights and did not perform the training, ask the authors for the precomputed delta-TBA as well.
BED file with the regulatory regions (see above)
VCF file with the genetic variants of each sample in the training data set
Total binding affinities file (see above)
vcf_rider's SNPs file above)
(Optional) List of samples ID
Rscript compute_delta_tba.R \
--bed regreg/chr7/regreg.bed \ # The regulatory regions
--vcf vcf/expr_dataset/chr7/vcf.gz \ # The VCF file
--tba tba/expr_dataset/chr7/tba.tsv \ # The total binding affinity
--snps tba/expr_dataset/chr7/vcfrider_snps.tsv \ # SNPs file (output of vcf\_rider)
--threads 1 \ # Number of cores for parallelisation
--output delta_tba/expr_dataset/chr7/delta_tba.Rds \ # Output file
The goal is to find a chain of correlations:
BED file with the regulatory regions (obtained previously)
The delta-TBA (obtained in the previous step)
The weights of the affinities on gene expression (obtained in the training)
Summary statistics (a GWAS Z-score for each SNP)
A plink-BED file from a reference population (used to compute LD)
For best results, we recommend to impute and munge the summary statistics with fizi. The summary statistics themselves can be obtained in several ways: they can be downloaded from the web or computed in house by performing a GWAS with plink (or any other tool to perform GWA studies).
The summary-level TWAS also requires information about the linkage disequilibrium (LD) between SNPs. This information is passed to TReX through a plink-BED file from a reference population (note that there is a difference between UCSC-BED files, which store coordinates, and plink-BED files, which store genotypes). For example, you can download the plink-BED of the 1000 Genomes project, or convert the VCF of the training data set into plink-BED format.
Rscript summary_twas.R \
--regreg regreg/chr7/trex_regreg.bed \ # Regulatory regions
--tba delta_tba/expr_dataset/chr7/delta_tba.Rds \ # Delta-TBA
--weights training/chr7/fit/trex_weights.tsv \ # Weights
--zscores sumstats/phenotype/sumstats.tsv \ # Summary statistics
--ld genotypes/ld_dataset/chr7 \ # Reference LD
--threads 1 \ # Number of cores for parallilisation
--output summary_twas/phenotype/trex_stwas.tsv # Output file
The argument to --ld is genotypes/ld_dataset/chr7
. This means that the
following three files must exist:
They can be generated by plink2 with the following command:
plink2 --vcf <your_vcf> --make-bed --out <your_output>
Please feel free to open an issue in the GitHub repository or contact the authors by email for further help.