Sphinx documentation sources for www.nethserver.org.
You can find a directory for each available language. Inside each language directory there are some specials files:
- conf.py: Sphinx configuration
- Makefile: Sphinx build makefile
- index.rst: document structure
All other .rst files are chapters of the manual. If you whish to add a new chapter, create a new file and add it to the index.rst file.
Documentation can be read at: nethserver.readthedocs.org
Fork the project, edit and make pull requests!
While editing, please follow below guidelines.
The document must start with a title such as
============== Document title ==============
Next headers levels are:
First level =========== Second level ------------ Third level ^^^^^^^^^^^ Fourth level ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Use the * character for unorderd list
* First element * Second element
Use a definition list when describing fields
My field This is my description
A field description can also contain a bullet list
My field This is my description * First element * Second element
Highligt important words
This is and *important* word.
Whenever there are modifications, a build process will be launched from Read the Docs site.
If you whish to build documentation locally on your machine, make sure to install all Sphinx packages.
First clone the repository, enter language directory and type
make html
Output files will be generated inside the _build directory.