When attending a conference, often I would like to read posters or find references therein after the conference. Sometimes the conferences allow for an ePoster gallery and sometimes they don't. Sometimes the upload closes weeks before the conference and I miss the deadline. In the spirit of open science and allowing other people to find the posters afterwards I created this repro for all conference posters.
Until I had time to build a GitHubPages web-page, please download the poster to view it.
All content is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license, which means you can download, adopt it and/or use parts of it as long as you give credit (more details follow the link at the bottom). For most posters I also have svg-files lying around. Feel free to ask for them or specific figures by raising an issue.
All posters and figures therein are licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license.