The HuBMAP project aims to develop a reference atlas the human body at the single-cell level. ASCT+B tables capture the anatomical structures (AS), their cell types (CT), and biomarkers used to identify cell types for different organs. The information in the ASCT+B table can be linked to detailed 2D (textbook) images of the human body. The images are provided in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format and each component of the image is named. A crosswalk table maps image components to ASCT+B table IDs. Note that an SVG figure can have multiple components of the same AS or CT type. As a starting point, we focus on functional tissue units (FTU) such as kidney nephron and renal corpuscle, lung alveoli, and large intestine colonic crypts.
For each FTU, we create two files: SVG file that describes the 2D outlines of major anatomical structures and cell types and a crosswalk table in the CSV format that describes the mapping of 2D SVG Reference Object components to unique AS/CT in the ASCT+B table. Each CSV file has nine columns:
- svg_id: describes the path/group IDs of each AS/CT object on the SVG image files
- label: describes the name of each AS/CT in the UBERON and CL ontologies
- OntologyID: describes the IDs of the UBERON and CL ontologies
- representation_of: describes the persistent uniform resource locator (PURL) of the UBERON and CL ontologies
- exist_asctb: the value is 1 if the object has been registered in the ASCT+B table, and 0 if the object has not been registered
- type: AS if the object is an anatomical structure, and CT if the object is a cell type
- REF: describes the reference information for each AS/CT
- REF/DOI: describes the DOI (if any) of the reference information for each AS/CT
- REF/NOTES: additional notes (if any) for the reference information of each AS/CT
Crosswalk table:
Original SVG image from KPMP 1:
Edited SVG image:
Changes from the original SVG file:
- Add new path with svg_id=”Bowman's_space” to represent Bowman's space AS. Reason for addition: not represented by any object in the original SVG image.
- Add new path with svg_id=”extraglomerular_mesangium_1” to represent extraglomerular mesangium. Reason for addition: not represented by any object in the original SVG image.
- Renamed these path and group IDs to resemble the AS/CT name: path571, path573, path17383, path45, path43, path4883, path191, path195, path199, path203, path207, path211, path215, path219, path223, path227, path231, path235, path239, path635, path631, path627, path623, path619, path615, path611, path607, path603, path599, path595, path591, path587, path583, path579, path571, path573, path49, path51, path53, path55, path57, path61, path63, path65, path67, path69, path71, path73, path75, path103.
Crosswalk table:
Original SVG image from EBI 2:
Edited SVG image:
Important notes:
- The mesenchymal parts in the ASCT+B table (secondary crest myofibroblasts, lung matrix fibroblast 2, lung matrix fibroblast 1/(Lipofibroblast?)) are not depicted on the SVG image, so we could not map them in this table.
- There are two different capillary endothelial cells in ASCT+B table: CAP1 and CAP2. Apart from their gene biomarkers expression, we are not aware of any morphological differences between them. So we could not map these CTs in the crosswalk table, but map their AS (pulmonary capillary) instead.
Changes from the original SVG file:
- Replace the original colors with five colors to distinguish between CTs.
- Added text label for each CT and AS.
- Renamed these path and group ids to resemble the AS/CT name: LAYER_EFO, g14, g18, g10, g6, path71, CL_0002062, CL_0002063, g79, g83, path74
Crosswalk table:
Original image created with BioRender 3 :
Edited SVG image:
Important notes: The tuft cells and eosinophils are not depicted on the SVG image.
Changes from the original SVG file:
- The original image is a raster, so we vectorized it using Adobe Illustrator with 6 colors and automatically group the paths based on their filled color.
- Relabeled each CT.
Crosswalk table:
Original SVG image from KPMP 1 :
Edited SVG image:
Important notes:
- the 2D schematics' resolution is at the AS level; cannot identify CTs.
- proximal tubule S3 is listed as proximal convoluted tubule S3 in ASCT+B table. Subject to reconcile
Changes from the original SVG files:
- Removed spaces on these labels: metadata, nephron title, distal convoluted tubule, proximal straight tubule (S3).
Crosswalk table:
Original image 4 :
Edited SVG image:
Important notes: the 2D schematics' resolution is at the AS level; cannot identify CTs.
Changes from the original SVG files:
- The original image is a raster, so we vectorized it using Adobe Illustrator.
- The paths that are representing the same AS are grouped together and are given ids that represent the AS/CT.
Crosswalk table:
Original image 3 :
Edited SVG image:
Important notes:
- Only 1 CT and 1 AS is marked as FTU in ASCT+B table: hair follicles (AS) and keratinocyte stem cells (CT).
- AS: arrector muscle of hair, hair inner root sheath, and hair outer root sheath does not exist in the ASCT+B table. In progress of communication with organ experts on adding to the table.
Changes from the original SVG files:
- The original image is a raster, so we vectorized it using Adobe Illustrator.
- The paths that are representing the same AS are grouped together and are given ids that represent the AS/CT.
Crosswalk table:
Original image 5 :
Edited SVG image:
Changes from the original SVG files:
- The original image is a raster, so we vectorized it using Adobe Illustrator.
- The paths that are representing the same AS are grouped together and are given ids that represent the AS/CT.
Crosswalk table:
Original image 6 :
Edited SVG image:
Changes from the original SVG files:
- The original image is a raster, so we vectorized it using Adobe Illustrator.
- The paths that are representing the same AS are grouped together and are given ids that represent the AS/CT.
Crosswalk table:
Original image 7 :
Edited SVG image:
Changes from the original SVG files:
- The original image is a raster, so we vectorized it using Adobe Illustrator.
- The paths that are representing the same AS are grouped together and are given ids that represent the AS/CT.
Crosswalk table:
Original SVG image 2 :
Edited SVG image:
Change from the original SVG files: The paths that are representing the same AS are grouped together and are given ids that represent the AS/CT.
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