- django-airports - like django-cities, but django-airports
- django-allauth - social auth
- django-anymail - ESPs integration
- django-axes - keep track of login attempts and block brute-force attacks
- django-celery-beats - store the periodic task schedule in the database
- django-celery-results - celery results using django ORM backend
- django-cities-light - fetch data from Geonames and prepare database
- django-constance - store dynamic settings in pluggable backends
- django-constance - store settings in django backend
- django-cors-headers - adding CORS headers to response
- django-countries - country choices for forms, flag static icons, country model field
- django-debug-toolbar
- django-elasticsearch-dsl - indexing of django models in Elasticsearch
- django-environ - configure your django with ease
- django-extensions - collection of custom extensions
- django-flags - feature flags
- django-fsm-admin-lite - my "lite" implementation of django-fsm-admin
- django-fsm-admin - integrate django-fsm into django admin
- django-fsm-log - log django-fsm ops
- django-fsm - friendly finite state machine
- django-hijack - admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials
- django-lifecyle - lifecycle hooks to your Django models
- django-linear-migrations - Ensure your migration history is linear
- django-manifest-loader - read manifest created by webpack
- django-money - money fields in models and forms
- django-mptt - tree structure models
- django-multisite
- django-ninja-crud
- django-ninja-extra
- django-ninja-jwt
- django-ninja - REST API based on pydantic like FastAPI, an alternative to DRF
- django-phonenumber-field - phone number field validation
- django-redis - redis cache backend
- django-service-objects - service base class based on forms
- django-storages - collection of custom storage backends, including S3
- django-tailwind - Django + TailwindCSS
- django-taggit - a simpler approach to tagging with Django
- django-templated-email - templated email
- django-typed-models - extra type of model inheritance
- django-user-agents - identification of visitor's browser
- djantic - Pydantic model support for django
- djoser - set of auth related views for DRF
- drf-camelcase - camelcase JSON support for DRF
- drf-friendly-errors - improve DRF error display
- drf-simplejwt - JWT authentication plugin for DRF
- drf-spectacular - an OpenAPI 3.0 schema generation for DRF
- drf-yasg - swagger generator
- drf - django rest framework
- nanodjango - write a Django site in a single file
- pytest-django - tools for testing django with pytest
- fastapi-admin - admin dashboard
- fastapi-cache - cache fastapi response against multiple backends
- fastapi-camelcase - camelizing request and response bodies
- fastapi-mail - simple lightweight mail system
- sqlmodel - interacting with SQL databases with python objects
- Flask-Admin - admin interface
- Flask-Assets - integrate webassets into your Flask application
- Flask-Bcrypt - password hashing
- Flask-Caching - cache support
- Flask-DebugToolbar - debug toolbar
- Flask-Login - user session management
- Flask-Marshmallow - serialization library
- Flask-Migrate - db migration (sqlalchemy + alembic)
- Flask-nplusone - detecting the n+1 queries problems
- Flask-Principal - identity management for Flask applications
- Flask-Shell-IPython - flask shell with ipython
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - SQLAlchemy support
- Flask-WTF - WTForms integration
- Celery - task queue
- Google Tink - crypto library
- Gunicorn - WSGI web server
- psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter python
- SQLAlchemy-utils - various utils for sqlalchemy
- SQLAlchemy - python sql toolkit & ORM
- Uvicorn - ASGI web server
- factory_boy - test fixtures
- freezegun - mocking the datetime module in tests
- pytest - test framework
- pytest-cov - produce coverage reports during tests
- pytest-factoryboy - combine factory approach to the test setup with the dependency injection, heart of the pytest fixtures
- pytest-instafail - show failures and errors instantly instead of waiting until the end of test session
- pytest-xdist - speed up test execution with parallel processing
- Terraform - automate infra on any cloud
- Consul - service mesh manager
- GCP python - python client for GCP
- Install poetry - Github action to install poetry
- Create Github release - Github action create a GitHub release
- PGSync - syncing data from Postgres to Elasticsearch
- Dapr - abstraction layer for connecting micro-services
- HTMX - modern browser features directly from HTML
- pinia - new vue store
- vue-axios - axios integration
- vue-dropzone - file upload
- vue-google-maps - google maps integration
- vue-gtm - google tag manager integration
- vuex - centralized state management
- vue-i18n
- vue-slider-component
- vue-tel-input
- quasar framework
- daisyui - open-source components library
- hyperui - a large collection of free components for marketing, ecommerce and application UI
- merakiui - components that support RTL languages & fully responsive based on Flexbox & CSS Grid
- tailblocks - ready to use blocks
- hyperjs - a collection of Alpine JS snippets